Securing Lower Long Term Care Quotes
Insurance companies offer a wide array of long term care quotes each designed according to the needs and budget of long term care insurance (LTCI) buyers.
So much weight is placed on the age of a person who requests for an LTCI quote. Younger people have bigger chances of securing an LTCI with a lower quote than the older ones, especially if they are so close to retirement and pose a higher risk of needing care in the next 10 years or less.
Another factor that can affect a quote is your preference on how to receive your maximum benefit. There are certain types of LTCI policies which allow the policyholders to spend their maximum benefit in whichever manner they please. These LTCI policies are known as Indemnity and are more expensive than the Reimbursement policy, the most common type of LTCI.
Your choice of maximum benefit will also determine the LTCI quotes which your insurance agent will gather for you. Choosing a higher maximum daily, weekly or monthly benefit will naturally cost you more in annual premiums.
However good it is to choose a lower benefit so you can pull down your annual premiums, this is not advisable at the moment as costs of LTC are expected to double in 15 years and increase fourfold in 20 years.
Experts on the field of long term care say the estimated total cost of care in 20 years is $1,019,300 and mostly women will need long term care as they are expected to outlive men. Between a man and a woman who are both 50 years old, the latter is expected to live 32 more years while the former has only 28 years remaining.
Another important factor to consider for your LTCI quote is the number of years that you’ll be receiving care. Though this would seem impossible as nobody has direct access to future events, by simply identifying your family’s health history, social environment, lifestyle, and attitude towards sports, work, and relationships you will eventually arrive at the right answer.
Where Should I Get Long Term Care Quotes?
It helps to have an insurance agent who is affiliated with the top providers of LTCI policies because he can negotiate LTCI quotes for you.
To make the job easier and faster for him, tell him where you wish to receive care someday and how you want your policy’s maximum benefit to be paid out to you.
LTCI policies also bear another important element known as the elimination period or waiting period. The moment a benefit trigger occurs, you would start receiving care and pay the service out of your own resources or funds. This period of paying from your own pocket is known as the waiting period.
Choosing a longer waiting period promises one a lower LTCI quote as opposed to a waiting period of 30 days only. Perhaps, paying a lower annual premium is the advantage of opting for a longer waiting period, but more people would opt for a shorter period since they believe that a person would need serious medical attention and custodial care following a benefit trigger.
Before getting your hands on those long term care quotes though it would be best to read all the important information on LTCI first and after having done so, contact your insurance agent.