Google Landing Pages and Prepare to be Surprised

Landing Pages Google landing pages these days and you’ll be surprised to see how many marketers and designers there are out there pumping out mediocre work. Landing pages require more attention to detail than any other part of your website.
Consider the money you invest in Ad-words campaigns, banners, email marketing, etc. Regardless of how much traffic these generate, you won’t earn a penny unless your landing page can close the deal. There are three factors that determine the effectiveness of your page: aesthetics, technical practicality and psychology.
It’s important to use the right colors for the product or service you are offering. For example red suggests high emotion and so is suitable for use with sales and limited time only promotions. Alternatively purple is a calming color that’s suitable for healing products. If you have a distinctive brand image, use your brand’s colors to increase familiarity.
Don’t rely too heavily on flash animation to get your message across. Flash causes pages to load slowly and people don’t find it particularly impressive anyway. Also, for Google landing pages are invisible unless they contain html text.
Text in an image that could fail to load is potentially invisible. Always make your call to action bright and clear so the customer doesn’t miss it. At the same time limit the amount
of outgoing links you put on the page or you’re likely to distract/confuse the customer. Keep the most important features of your landing page in easy to find locations; don’t make people scroll down to find your call action.
Use a limited amount of text to persuade the customer. Beware of spelling and grammar mistakes; for the customer they set alarm bells ringing immediately. Offer some incentive to act now that won’t be around later. Free trials are a good way to win trust as well as including all the trust indicators you can like certification, official seals of quality, testimonials, etc.

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