Shanghai Bureau of Quality Supervision: Dumex products after Sept. 14 last year

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Many claiming their babies after the Dumex milk powder are the parents of stone symptoms tour, intended to Dumex company to court.

For Dumex milk powder into Melamine "Pollution door" issue yesterday, said the Shanghai Bureau of Quality Supervision, Dumex milk powder is currently being investigated on September 14 last year before the production of products, Sept. 14 products after investigation by the State Administration of Quality Supervision, no problem.

Bureau of Quality Supervision: September 14 last year after the product is no problem
Yesterday, the "Daily Economic News" learned from the Shanghai Bureau of Quality Supervision, on September 14 last year after the Dumex Milk Production and inspection by the State Administration of Quality Supervision are qualified, consumers can rest assured that drink use, is currently under investigation before Sept. 14 last year, products manufactured, as of yesterday the findings have not yet baked.

"After Sept. 14 last year, our quality control personnel began Mill regulation, each batch of products manufactured after passing inspection sample." Quality and Technology Supervision Bureau inspection corps said that the current products listed Dumex Package Both marked "not detected melamine" sign, consumers do not trust, then on September 14 as far as possible after purchase products.

Parents of children: a collective intention to sue Dumex
Although the Bureau of Quality Supervision on Sept. 14 last year, Dumex milk powder produced prior to the survey results also were not disclosed, but the "Daily Economic News" reporter found that some children in September last year after also checked out the stones symptoms.

"My baby from birth to 28 months have been drinking Dumex Milk, last September right kidney was diagnosed 2 × 2mm crystals." Juxian Sheng told reporters in Shanghai, after which he contacted more than one after another children with parents, their babies have been drinking Dumex milk powder, and the symptoms have appeared stones.

Juxian Sheng had to negotiate with the Dumex, the company insisted its products through national testing, a qualified, children stones is also possible that excess calcium and other causes.

Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province Mr. Zhang's baby was diagnosed last year right kidney 2 × 4mm crystal, he told the "Daily Economic News" told reporters, "I'm more than a day to parents of children receiving the telephone They have formed a delegation intends to hire a lawyer to Dumex to court. "

Dumex: All the products are no problem
Yesterday, Dumex infant Food Ltd. Ministry of External Affairs told reporters stakeholders, Dumex shelf life of milk a year and a half, so there are now on the market before 14 September last year the product. But the official stressed, "shelf-life products during the period examined by the quality supervision departments of the Mill are not the problem, including September 14th did not check the products before the problem."

"Daily Economic News" reporter from the Carrefour, Wal-Mart, Lotus and other stores that currently Dumex products are still selling. "Has not received the notice, but we have close attention to this matter, a notice will take immediate measures." Carrefour public relations official said.

A well-known portal for an online vote on this survey, as of 8:30 pm last night, a total of more than 2,900 users participated in the vote, and 53% of users said they would not buy Dumex milk powder.

Analysts: China-made milk or welcome opportunity to stand up
China Sea, said Shanghai Securities researcher Liu, Dumex should end the current domestic baby milk powder market share in the most integrated brand, estimated at around 30% market share, there is a higher Mead Johnson, Wyeth, Abbott and so on. , "Before the outbreak of melamine, the domestic high-end imports of milk powder infant milk powder about 70% of the market, the melamine incident occurred, this ratio should be much higher."

Liu Hu said that if the final results of the Dumex negative, then this foreign milk powder will be a big blow, but in terms of domestically produced milk powder may be a good opportunity to turn around. It is reported that Dumex brand primarily in the Asia-Pacific region to promote.

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