Masters of the inherent strength of achievement AO Smith water heater – water he


In front of you in the AO Smith, born with technology addicts. It is believed that a small breakthrough in the water can improve your entire life, which of course is the 130-year-old
Water heater
Technical experts have been an important driving force to keep open. But power is only one, the real reason, or AO Smith natural obsession passion for technology. He likes to use is always keen eyes to find every one can make the possibility of hot water a better life, then by all means to resolve.

Global R & D Center, Jiyu inherent technological enthusiasm

Powerful global R & D centers in China, which AO Smith is, indeed a matter of course. It has been beyond the reach of technology development can not be tolerated in the manufacture of goods. This it can also enjoy indulging in its technology in the world, the first gift is a new birth of Kim Kyu-care Heater.
Kim Kyu-care
heating rods, breaking a difficult problem for 70 years

In fact, the heating rods scaling problems, has long plagued the world's water industry more than 70 years. After powering the electric energy as heat into the core components, scaling not only greatly Life Lost heating rod, affecting the safety performance of water heaters, also allow you to spend more electricity to burn hot. Specializes in three-year, AO Smith to try the special magic of the improved technology to Kim Kyu
, Attached to a special alloy materials, the successful birth of Kim Kyu-care Heater. Kim Kyu-liner and combined with the composition of the anode rod Kim Kyu-care system, superior resistance to scale. Let water heater longer, always maintaining efficient heating state.
Kim Kyu special care
heating rods, promised to you for life

Downs three years after, AO Smith and calm in order to pleasure the release of this fruit to the world. At the same time very calm and said: reward period, Kim Kyu-care Heater lifetime free replacement. This commitment, backed by the confidence How??? Confidence in the newly introduced Kim Kyu-care system, global R & D center in technical support, so you no longer worry about, but also deserved.

Explore you better, never stop
AO Smith will present a new generation of
Kim Kyu-care system into its full line of products. The introduction of two new products: Upgrade D + and PEZ +, also contains AO Smith their continuous research and development and new technology was born.

Golden anniversary as a collection of 130 model upgraded version of D +, which is like a smart caring family, and always remember your continuous automatic water for 21 days before the record, and start the habit of original water analysis system, according to your usage changes in habits and timely early preheating. Non-use of water in your time, then automatically adjust to the power running.

Then, AO Smith sensitize you to the water requirements of different modality, introduced a variable-speed thermal technology capacity to meet different needs: energy, standard or adjustable-speed thermal heating mode, there are variable heat capacity, the real achieve energy-saving convenience.

Professional R & D, innovation ahead

AO Smith, hoping every time when you bring technological advances to surprise you. In 1874, it was established in the United States, has been 130 years. Every day, it is all in the pursuit of continuous professional development, and this is almost an inherent strength. Perhaps it is because of this, before you get hot water more comfortable and worry-free life.

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