An Online guide for older adults or senior citizens is available at

Senior Travel: Everybody loves to travel these days, but lack of time and money often restrict these opportunities. However, the elderly often have these resources available with retirement savings, and an abundance of free time to explore the joy of destination-travel. Senior travel packages that meet the needs of the elderly are a good starting point when you’re planning your next vacation. Many older adults prefer to avoid complicated travel itineraries, and seek out pre-arranged tours and travel packages. It puts the fun back into travel for the senior traveler.

Senior Health issues will eventually face all of us, and that often includes the relocation to a nursing home. But if you’re not quite ready for full time assisted-living residence, you may consider employment in a nursing home. As a volunteer in a home for senior living, there are benefits that can far outweigh financial compensation. Offering the gift of companionship to senior residents can be a two-way street, as the joy of giving our time offers such value to the elderly (that same value that we look forward to receiving one day).

Aging, for some, can be an isolating experience. The consequences of non-interaction can dull our senses and perceptions. The “medicine” of good conversation and human compassion is perhaps one of the best antidotes to aging, while it sharpens our sensory systems, our brain acuity, and our feelings of purpose and connectedness.

Senior Health Care Insurance can be a technical and jargon-laden field that is difficult to navigate at any age. Finding the best insurance for your current circumstances is often best left to an agent or broker. Research tells us that industry prices are very fluid and variable, often changing monthly, or revising to remain compliant to government regulation. An independent broker will look around the marketplace to find the best prices and most suitable coverage, while the “captive agent” (only representing their single company) will lose the benefit of competition and flexible insurance for seniors. Go for the independent broker.

Senior Life Insurance, as they say, is for the living, not the deceased. In other words, it minimizes the burden of your demise to your family, and tackles the issues of end-of-life expenses and funeral expenses.

Another possible benefit of senior life insurance is to avoid inheritance tax during the transfer of wealth from your estate to your survivors. Furthermore, your life insurance policy may be exempt from creditors. Laws vary from place to place; consult an expert, as always.

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