Lasik Eye Surgery – New Technology
You might think that you simply cannot do Lasik eye surgery because you’re utilizing bifocals. Then you will have to think once more. Vast changes have already been made in technology. Advances in technology mean alter of life styles for each and everyone. Recent advances in laser eye surgeries are due to the multi-focal Lasik technology that assists patients with presbyopia and also those requiring bifocal lenses.
Presbyopia, a common condition
Presbyopia is a common condition that frequently occurs later in life. A patient experiences blurring vision when viewing things closely. This is partly because of the natural stiffening of the eye’s natural lens as it ages. This condition is prevalent in people in the 40s, making daily tasks like reading, writing, watching television and working on computers difficult. Millions and millions of individuals are affected by presbyopia each and every year. Recent advances in Lasik eye surgery has reached out to the millions of people who opted to be treated for this common condition. Just how do people know they’ve this condition?. When an object is held at arm’s distance to get a good look at it, then you know you’ve this condition. In the past, individuals with this condition used bifocals or progressive lens that allowed the eye to concentrate on two points. Spectacles with bifocal lens had been accommodated for both near and far sights. Progressive lens almost work the same way, but a more gradual change between near and far sightedness takes place gradually. So, in contrast to bifocal lens, no visible line exists between the lenses.
The recent advances in Lasik eye surgery procedure developed for presbyopia patients is termed as “presby lasik”, or “multifocal lasik” simply because it works like mulifocal lens. Lasik is a two step procedure that offers vision correction for patients with near and far sight problems. Lasik eye surgery changes the shape of the cornea in various zones. The eye refracts light differently in these various zones allowing a multifocal correction.
Lasik eye surgery for short-sighted people
For short-sighted patients, first Lasik eye surgery is conducted on both eyes to improve distance vision, and then the corneal inlay is placed in one eye to enhance near vision. The procedure takes just 15-20 minutes and the presbyopic patient’s near vision is restored. A flap is opened in the non-dominant eye having a laser utilized in Lasik surgeries. Then the corneal inlay is placed onto the cornea and centred over the pupil, next the flap is repositioned and also the cornea seals itself naturally. The patient is suggested to get to sleep for a longer period. The patient is offered a course of antibiotics, natural tears and medicated eye drops to be used at regular intervals as prescribed. Lasik eye surgery will not in any way affect the patient’s suitability for any other vision correction procedures such as cataract surgery. Also note that no tissue is removed. Marksmen who underwent the Lasik laser vision correction showed improvement in their marksmanship skills. This is a substantial result given the visual precision required of a marksman.
Get the best eye treatment at Lasik Dallas, check out our site to know more about Dallas Lasik.