Exam Question Types For the MCITP Certification
The best way to prepare for any is not only to know the information, but to know what you are going to be faced with on that dreaded exam paper. This will not only relieve a little stress, but will help you to get through the paper much easier. Like any other exam, the MCITP exam has a variety of different questions to test your knowledge and different skills. On the MCITP exam, different formats and question types appear in order to challenge your knowledge and skills. There are currently three formats, including case study format which will challenge your analytical skills, simulations and virtual labs to test out your skills and knowledge within a real setting. Question types include multiple-choice, hot area, active screen, drag and drop and build or reorder list questions. All of these question types have already pre-created answers, which may seem easy in theory, but in practice means you’re often easily more confused when faced with two very similar answers. Moreover, it is likely that there are going to be more questions in a multiple choice exam on a larger range of topics within your area of expertise, meaning you will probably have to learn most of the information on the syllabus. It’s important you study very hard for this exam as the pass rate is quite high. So take your time to study for this exam and complete practice tests, so that you can get a feel for the exam 70-680 format and what sort of questions come up on the exam paper. The main aim of this interactive exam is to test your ability to analyze and synthesize data in theory and in real life scenarios. Thus, it will demonstrate to any employer, you not only have the knowledge but the know how in how to put it into practice. This is the first increase Microsoft has made to the program in nine years and the amount of change depends on what category candidate you happen to be. For example, a non-student U.S. resident will see prices change from $125 to $150 (a 20 percent increase), while student rates go from $60 to $83 (a 38 percent increase). The difference in percentage increases are all over the board — in the United Kingdom, there is only a 12.5 percent increase, while exam candidates in Mexico face a 25 percent increase. The price change does not affect MTA, MCM, MCA or MOS exams. All exam vouchers issued prior to July 1 will continue to remain valid until their expiration date, so it is possible to purchase vouchers up to June 30 at the current rates. All Microsoft 70-680 exams are given through Prometric testing centers worldwide.