Reasons to Sell a Home Fast

If you’ve ever had to sell your home, you know how difficult the whole process can be. Even if you listed your property with an agent, it’s not a simple procedure, and it can take months—sometimes years—to close the sale. So what’s it like when you have to sell your home fast?

Selling your home can be stressful, even under the best of circumstances. Factor in your reasons to sell fast, and stress becomes a euphemism for what you’re going through. Out of deference to the squeamish, we’ll call it overwhelming.

So why would you subject yourself to such a gut-wrenching experience? Unless you’re evading the police or entering a witness protection program, why would you need to sell your home in such a hurry? Any one of several perfectly ordinary—and unfortunately common—reasons:

Because you got a new job—or a promotion—and you have to relocate. Congratulations! Now you’ve got to find a new place to live, pack up your old life, arrange to move it all to the new location, tie up loose ends, prepare for the new position . . . oh yeah, and sell your house. You know—fix it up, list it, show it . . . Better hope it sells before you have to report for the new job, or you may be facing double mortgage payments.

Because you’re divorcing. We won’t congratulate you on that one. Even the friendliest divorce tends to be painful. If you and your spouse own a home together, you may want to sell it as quickly as possible—one less issue to drag out the process.

Because you’ve inherited property or you need to settle an estate. An inheritance can be an unexpected burden; when it accompanies the loss of a loved one, it can be unbearable. Maybe you’re executor of the estate and you need to distribute or dispose of real property.

Because you’re facing foreclosure. It’s happening in record numbers; so many good, hardworking families are losing their homes because they can’t keep up with the payments. Job layoffs, medical bills—all sorts of unforeseen emergencies —can happen to anyone. Fall behind on a few mortgage payments, and the lender can simply repossess your home.

Because you’re a landlord at the end of your tether. Maybe constant maintenance is draining you, financially or physically. Maybe problems with tenants are driving you nuts. Or maybe you’ve got vacant property, sucking income instead of paying it.

Every one of these situations may come with yet another money-sucking condition that, all by itself, is a compelling reason to sell property fast:

Because your house needs more repairs than you have the time, energy, or money to make—and these problems can actually prevent you from selling your house at all!

Wherever you live, selling your home involves a lot of hard work and uncertainty. If you live in or near Cincinnati, The Cincy House Buyer can stop the pain by paying cash for your house—as is, no selling fees, no waiting. Just contact us here.

Stephan is a freelance writer, who often writes  about  wholesale real estate .

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