A New Way To Learn

If you are sitting in traffic court staring the distinct possibility of becoming the proud owner of your very own long term bus pass, chances are good this is the result of one too many visits to your driver’s side window by Officer O’Malley. Realizing of course that none of these visits were exactly a social call, most of them were because he managed to get you to slow down and pull over so that he could give you another one of his personalized certificates of speed. Unlike those you get at the local drag strip, these tickets are going to cost you money.

Speeding tickets are no laughing affair and given the average city’s budgetary shortfalls, they are getting far too expensive to just laugh off. The average speeding ticket is going to cost you well over a hundred bucks in the courthouse, not to mention how much more the points on your license are going to end up costing you when your next car insurance bill comes in. OK so getting yet another speeding ticket is no laughing matter and the officer that handed it to sure wasn’t laughing either.

But does this mean that you have to pay your fines and learn to get up an hour early every day to catch the bus that is only going to get you to within 6 blocks of your job?  This all depends on who you talk to; the judge may or may not bother to point out that you can get out of paying the state the money they desperately need by attending a defensive driving school.  It will depend on what mood he is in and how pitiful you can look.

Seriously, in the state of Texas you do have the option of attending defensive driving school as a way to have your fines reduced, your tickets dismissed and with this your insurance premiums remaining the same. “Oh great!” you say ” Now I get to spend six hours on my only day off stuck in a classroom full of weirdoes, listening to an instructor that could put a 10 year old with ADHD to sleep.” This pretty much sums up the standard defensive driving class, which is why so many of the people who go to them come out drooling like loons.

No one in their right minds or for that matter their left minds should ever have to be exposed to this as this way lies madness. Yet at the same time you still have to go to traffic school unless you want that reserved seat on the bus to have your name on it. So, here are your choices as you know them, pay your fines and buy a bus pass or go to traffic school, not much of a choice either way you look at it.

You know that you have to take the traffic school option even though your mind screams out in panic against it. Before you go out and invest in a drool cup, you might want to take a look at an all new approach to defensive driving classes. The Comedy Guys Defensive Driving School offers a fresh new approach to the whole idea of learning how to avoid another run in with Officer O’Malley. We have put together one of the funniest classes you will ever be lucky enough to attend.

With the help of a team of talented comedians we have knocked boredom out of the park. While the serious nature of the subject matter is still deeply entrenched in every aspect of both our classroom setting and online courses, we bring it to you in a manner that is more likely to have you rolling in the aisles instead of snoozing on your desk.

All of the material in our classes meets with the requirements of the Texas Board or Education and the state of Texas and once you have completed your course, you will receive a certificate of completion. You can take this document to the courts where you will be greeted with great joy or at least you might get a big ole “Howdy!”  Then the clerk will eliminate your traffic ticket right before your very eyes just like magic.

The Comedy Guys Defensive Driving School wants to make attending traffic school fun and effective so that you will remember more of what you have learned and will go on to become a much better driver and pose less of a risk to the rest of the crazies on the road.

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