Need A Lawyer? Clientele Legal Contact Details
Are you in search of a good lawyer but not sure who to call? Does the mere thought of excessive lawyer’s fees send you in a panic? Well what if I tell you that you can have access to a good lawyer 24 hours a day? It may seem too good to be true but with Clientele Legal you can get a good lawyer at an affordable price when you need one. Clientele Legal contact details are easy to obtain online, but to save you the trouble of having to search I am about to give you Clientele Legal contact details again as well as show you how you can save money on a call and get Clientele Legal to call you back.
When it comes to lawsuits and court cases, we all wish that we never have to experience going through those processes and in an ideal world we would not need lawyers at all, but unfortunately we are not living in that type of world yet and so Clientele Legal contact details comes in handy.
What is Clientele Legal?
With Clientele Legal you can get a legal protection plan at a very good price. Lawyers fees are in the range of R 1000 per hour so when you hear the price of Clientele Legal’s protection plan plus the extra benefits you receive you will see why the legal protection plan from Clientele is one of the best on the market. A legal plan from Clientele is a protection plan which makes it possible for everyone to have access to a good lawyer at affordable prices.
When you contact Clientele Legal they will explain their different coverage options and the circumstances in which you will be covered with legal protection in depth although the basic plan will cover you for criminal, labour and civil proceedings. With this legal plan you will have access to good lawyers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. So what will all this cost you? Having access to legal assistance 24 hours a day, will cost you as little as R 120. 00 per month!
How easy is it to contact Clientele Legal?
There are a few ways in which you can contact Clientele Legal in order to speak to a consultant. The consultant will give you all the information you need and help you take the steps to getting affordable legal cover.
Clientele Legal contact details via the internet
With access to the internet, you do not need to call Clientele Legal as they will call you. On the Clientele Legal website you will be given a Call me back form to fill in. Clientele Legal will request that you to leave them your contact details such as your telephone number and email address so that one of their agents can call you back to give you a quote.
You can SMS ‘LEGAL’ to 32849 in order for Clientele Legal to contact you.
Clientele Legal contact details
If you would rather like to call Clientele Legal yourself you can contact the company on:
Telephone +27 (0)86 000 4529
Fax +27 (0)11 320 3362
Legal Claims
Legal policies
Their operating hours are:
Mon-Fri 07h00- 16h00
Saturdays 09h00-13h00
For more information about Clientele Legal contact details visit the website