Anorexia Rehabilitation
Anorexia Rehabilitation
In order to explain Anorexia the progress can be divided into four stages. These stages trace the disease as the victims thoughts, feelings and personality become distorted and their basic individuality is lost and will not return until recovery through anorexia rehabilitation.
Before anorexia rehabilitation can take place we first we need to clarify what anorexia is. Many descriptions of anorexia take a medical viewpoint, detailing the effects that the disease’s progress has on the body. Medically anorexia is characterized by weight loss, followed by lowered body temperature, slowed hight rate, loss of menses (loss of blood at menstration), thinning of hair, fatigue and other signs of malnutrition.
As the anorexic continues to lose weight, new symptoms develop and intensify. The last lethal stage for anorexic patients is failure of the liver, kidneys and finally the heart.
Anorexia Behavior
A second way of describing the progress of anorexia is by the actions or behavior of the victim that causes the weight loss. As the anorexia progresses, the anorexic consumes fewer and fewer calories. Exercise may intensify, additional weight losing efforts such as laxative abuse will develop.
Attempts will be made to replace sugar with artificial sweeteners. All of this will result in a severely malnourished, protein deficient, over exercised under muscled starver.
The Achievement Stage:
Anorexia typically begins with a desire on the part of the anorexic to lose weight, to be thin, and thus make themselves socially acceptable to their peers.
The first stage of the disease does not indicate abnormal behavior. Rather it is in line with the trend most girls adopt who consider gaining weight unacceptable and an enemy to be fought with an all out assault.
Most dieters are not predisposed towards anorexia. Most dieters will give up before reaching their goals as if they are overweight they will find diets boring and depressing. However anorexics are perfectionists and the goal of losing weight becomes an all out effort that results in ‘super dieting’.
Anorexia Rehabilitation:
Recovery from anorexia is extremely difficult and involves many different factors. Anorexia rehabilitation may involve the anorexic not receiving any outside help at all. Some recover by falling in love. There are those that have recovered because of a marked change in their lives, whether it has been centered by people or a change of location. There are those who have recovered out of fear or sheer desperation.
Anorexia and Pregnancy
In order to have a healthy child, the average pregnant woman should gain between 25 and 35 pounds. Telling this to a person with anorexia is like telling a normal person to gain 100 pounds. If you are anorexic, you may have trouble conceiving a baby and carrying it to term. Irregular menstrual cycles and weak bones make it more difficult to conceive. If you are underweight and do not eat the proper variety of foods, you and your baby could be in danger.
Women with eating disorders have higher rates of miscarriages and your baby might be born prematurely which puts them at risk for many medical problems.
All pregnant women should receive proper prenatal care. Those recovering from anorexia or bulimia need special care. You should always take your prenatal vitamins and have regular prenatal visits. You should not exercise unless your doctor says it is okay and it is a good idea to enroll in a prenatal exercise class to be sure you are not overexerting yourself.