Toyota: 70 years as a brilliant secret

Family spirit and their management is the foundation for enduring decades Toyota

Detroit Big Three auto makers to dominate the end of an era. General Motors, Chrysler and Ford's primary competitor in the discussion level, they no longer refer to each other's names, but collectively to target a Toyota. Some people even Toyota Annual Report on the briefcase, always remind myself how powerful opponents.

"Is Toyota is coming." A well-known management expert to the "manager" sighs. The 1937 creation of the automobile manufacturers, and finally after 70 years, sat in the sales champion of the world's throne, and crowned top of the world's most respected companies. Its total sales last year, 252.8 billion U.S. dollars, net profit of 16.54 billion U.S. dollars. This is equivalent to the Detroit Big Three plus the profits of Volkswagen and BMW combined. It is more than 2000 billion dollars in market value, than we have the Big Three Detroit, even more than the sum of 7 times.

Toyota with excellent results for many CEO blush. This is a matter of survival of General Motors and Ford, as well as struggling with cost pressures and falling profits and BMW of Germany in stark contrast to the general public. When the outside world for the rapid decline of the auto giants sorry, we have to ask: Toyota continued over the past 70 years to create a brilliant secret? More and more enterprises in the study and follow the Toyota model, which they can be harvested from?

Toyota gene family Toyota's large-scale extremely wealthy, and its subsidiaries have more than 520, Japan, almost equally divided between local and overseas, more than 28 million employees. However, over a hundred years with many Japanese companies like Toyota are still in many ways like a family business. This is not because the control of the Toyota family, Toyota, but Toyota on the Toyota family left a lasting cultural impact.

This effect to Toyota in the long continuation of 70 years, always the same corporate culture and management philosophy, eventually forming the world renowned Toyota and Toyota lean manufacturing. The spirit of the Toyota family, and their management is the foundation of Toyota enduring decades of lies.

Toyota's success comes naturally to refer to the founder Kiichiro Toyoda. The visionary leader in 1938, when Toyota made just created: "To the extent possible, reduce work flow, and transport parts, materials, processes loose time to realize the basic principle of this plan is to take 'time production system ', not too early or too late delivery of goods. "

This brilliant idea was the Toyota lean manufacturing today, the core of the way: stop wasting time, materials, staff creativity, and so on. This, however 1938! Even today, many modern companies are still unable to do so.

After World War II, Kiichiro Toyoda's cousin Eiji Toyoda took over as chairman, he Ford and GM as a research and learning objects. Henry. Ford's 1926 concept of economies of scale to large-scale automation. However, Eiji Toyota, but realized that the face of small and complex Japanese market, the scale does not apply to the Toyota unrealistic.

Therefore, Eiji Toyota, on the learned experience to adjust, then proposed "a stream" principle to require Toyota to achieve high-quality, low cost, short lead time and flexible and elastic. This is Toyota's lean manufacturing methods based on the content of the predecessor, is its insistence that today's "energy production and economic car" business principles.

Eiji Toyota, we hardly clear how many of the Toyota family managed a Toyota, but you can feel: both Britain and the second after Toyota, Taiichi Ohno, is the first non-family president, Hiroshi Okuda, Toyota, and his after Cho and Katsuaki Watanabe, who has maintained a consistent style of leadership? not only conservative but also a breakthrough innovation, as well as continuing to create and perfect the Toyota and the Toyota lean manufacturing.

Rise of lean manufacturing for Toyota

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