Setting up a productive home office

If you’re a contractor, freelancer or otherwise self-employed, you probably work in a variety of different locations which can range from glitzy client offices to under the blanket in your bed. You may in fact be quite used to this sort of working life. But have you considered setting up a home office? It’s widely recognised that your workplace environment can have a big impact on the quality of your work, and a well-planned office at home can make you more productive and efficient than ever – without having to pay rent or brave the morning commuter traffic each day. Here are a few ideas to help you get started with your home office:

Pick a room with a view. Well, it doesn’t have to be overlooking the harbour, but your home office should be in a room you’re happy to spend a lot of time in. Make sure the room gets lots of natural light during the day (rooms with an Easterly aspect are particularly nice) and that it’s reasonably spacious with good airflow.

Get connected. Depending on your business, you may need more than one computer in your home office, along with other potential add-ons like servers, printers and even multiple Internet connections. While computer finance and tax rebates can make these expenses affordable, it’s worth considering exactly what you’ll need so you neither overspend nor cut corners on your equipment. Designers, programmers and others who work with high-intensity computing should pay particular attention to getting the right gear first up.

Seal it off. You don’t want your workspace being disturbed by any one of numerous suburban nuisances, whether they be your neighbour’s dog yapping away in the wee hours of the morning or hoons doing burn-outs on the main road. Combining a naturally-quiet space with thick curtains and carpeting can reduce noise as well as keep your home office warm in winter.

Think seasonally. Make sure you pick a room which doesn’t get too hot in summer or too cold in winter. Invest in fans, heaters or energy-efficient air conditioners to keep you comfortable – and productive – in your office: opting for home appliances rental or bargaining at retailers can make this investment pretty affordable. There’s nothing to stop you walking out of your home office – and your work for the day – so making sure it’s comfortable is an often-overlooked must.

Hang up a nice painting. Because everyone needs to take a break sometimes. You might even want to get yourself a coffee machine and some nice mugs for the room. Not only will it keep you relaxed, it’ll also help you stay motivated – there’s a reason why those fancy client offices have so many artworks around the place.

Make sure you have everything you need for setting up a home office. From getting the right stationery to computer finance, there’s plenty to consider for small businesses – learn more from

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