Nova Scotia Property for Sale in Nova Scotia Can Help with Creating Happy Thoughts

Research commissioned in 2007 by the UKmental health charity Mind (Ecotherapy, the Green agenda for Mental Health) found that 94% of people taking part in green activities had improved mental health and a lifting of their depression. 90% of those questioned said that it was the combination of exercise and nature that had the greatest effect.

There is only one relationship and that is of the patient with Mother Nature and her healing life force. This is not a cure all, it is complementary and one of the tools that can be used to support one’s own recovery. It won’t be suitable for everyone: some just won’t want to do it, but for those who do, the potential for discovering a fresh perspective on life is well worth the effort. Yes, it will require effort. This isn’t a friendly tablet from your pharmacist which “does it all for you”. This is taking an active role in helping yourself get better and that is the key principle.

I found the perfect place to grow your own food and have a your own business. There is a property for sale in Nova Scotia  that is absolutely gorgeous.

Any gardener will also tell you how low spirits can be lifted by working in the garden and, for several reasons; gardening to grow fruit and vegetables has even more benefits than growing ornamentals. These are some of the most obvious pluses:

  • Gardening is great exercise and we all know how exercise can boost your mood by virtue of the release of endorphins in the brain;
  • Gardening gets you out of the house, into the fresh air and the natural environment. You can focus on something outside yourself;
  • Gardening provides structure. In order to garden successfully you need to do things in a certain order – you need to clear the weeds before you plant your seeds for example. Planning what you are going to do and the order in which you are going to do it – and then carrying out those plans – can given structure to your days and a sense of achievement when you’ve finished. This doesn’t have to be complicated either. You can clear a square foot of soil and sow some radish seeds with little effort and in no time at all;
  • Gardening provides a sense of purpose. When you are suffering from depression this can be a problem and this is where fruit and vegetable growing scores highly. There is a tangible and tasty reward at the end of your work;
  • Growing fruit and vegetables also provides you with a link to the future and gives you something to look forward to. You clear your ground, sow your seeds, weed and water and, in time, your efforts pay off. You have to wait for your reward but it’s worth it, both for the wonderful fresh food and for the sense of satisfaction and achievement you can gain;
  • Growing fruit and vegetables can also help you connect or re-connect with others. You’re bound to have a surplus of some tasty treat at some stage and it’s great to be able to offer to share your bounty with family, neighbors or friends. You can also get them to help you with you gardening along the way;

I currently have a vegetable garden where I grow raspberry, gooseberries, current, blubbery bushes and so much more.

There are variety of fruit trees and grape vines that are in my backyard. I wish that this particular real estate in Nova Scotia is bought by someone as appreciative and concerned for the environment as the current owners are.

Just last year they put up a green house. I have never seen such bountiful crop of vegetables as they had.

They were eating lettuce, green beans and yellow beans, radishes peas long before any of us even planted our gardens. Cucumbers and tomatoes were growing in their green house long after our crops in gardens were keeled by frost.   Now is February and I see them collecting romaine lettuce. That is amazing. You will not find many of such properties with a greenhouse in Nova Scotia.   This property for sale in Nova Scotiais truly unique.

The gardens are one thing. But if you or someone in your family loves farm animals then there is a room for them too. There is a barn and a horse corral. Plenty of pasture to graze on and a forest to give them shade. One day I was sitting in their kitchen and what an amazing view was before my eyes.  Through the kitchen window I looked out at the pasture and sheep, goats, horses and cows were all grazing there. I will never forget the peace and tranquility I felt at that moment.  If you want to live such a life. Find a real estate in Nova Scotia, and that will be your answer. If this property is not what you are looking for, then there are other properties for sale in Nova Scotiathat will attract you equally.

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