Laparoscopy – Minimally Invasive Surgery
Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive surgery which helps to view the inside of any part of the body. It is a surgical procedure with the help of several flexible thin instruments and video camera attached to it. Mostly, it is the first step taken before a major operation.
The laparoscopic surgery procedure includes making small incisions and then plastic tubes known as ports are placed through the cuts. The camera and the instruments are then inserted which helps to view the inside of the patient’s body. The camera transmits the image of the insides of the body on the monitor screen. Hence the video camera acts as the surgeon’s eye without making the traditional large incision in the laparoscopic surgery.
The various benefits of a minimally invasive laparoscopy are smaller scars, less operative discomfort, shorter hospital stays and quicker recovery times. There is also less internal scarring as it is minimally invasive surgery. The laparoscopy recovery is relatively painless and takes a very short span of time. There may be a little pain experienced in the chest and shoulders as laparoscopy procedure uses carbon dioxide to fill the abdominal cavity for a better view. Pain-killers are usually sufficient for relief after laparoscopy. Barring complications, most patients are fully recovered and ready to return to full activity one week after laparoscopy.
With new medical products entering the market everyday with new technology support, all types of laparoscopies like pelvic laparoscopy, abdominal laparoscopy and many more, can be performed with hand-access devices or with robot assistance.
The hand access devices are new technological devices for laparoscopy which allow the surgeon to place hand in the abdomen during the surgery, which was not possible in the traditional open surgery. With this technique, there has been good development of a variety of pancreatic, liver and biliary procedures such as the Whipple operation, distal pancreatectomy and liver resection that were not possible previously.
The robot assisted surgery has a computer-assisted robotic system which allows greater precision and better visualization and helps perform laparoscopy in a less invasive way. In this procedure, there is no direct mechanical connection between the surgeon and the patient. The doctor sits at a computer console with a 3 dimensional view of the operating field and operates two masters that control two mechanical arms of the robot. The robot’s arms has specialized instruments with hand-like movement carrying out the surgery. Three small incisions are made in the abdomen and video camera is passed through it. The video camera provides high resolution, high magnification and depth perception. The whole procedure can be seen on the monitor.With new advancements in technology, we can expect a fully automated Laparoscopy Surgery in future.