How to Best Take Care of Your Fish in Your New Artificial Environment

When you own custom fish tanks it is very important to keep your fish healthy. The confined space means that disease will spread rapidly through the aquarium if you don’t take measures to prevent this happening. As your experience with fish grows, you will spot signs of illness early.

If you are going to populate your tank with expensive fish or a lot of different species it is wise to consider buying a separate tank to act as a hospital tank. If one of your pets is sick you can move him to the new tank to help him recover quicker, stop the other fish harassing him while he is in a weakened state and also prevent the spread of infection.

If you suspect your fish is ill get the proper attention for them. Do not rely on self diagnosis or home treatments until you are quite experienced at looking after these creatures in their custom fish tanks. A common problem is fin rot which may be initially caused by a fin getting damaged during a fight. Poor water quality is also a factor. This illness is extremely contagious. The entire fin will be eaten away if you do not buy some treatment from your pet store. You will need to remove the cause of the problem i.e. separate fish that are fighting. You also need to improve the quality of the water.

One of the worst illnesses your fish can catch is China disease as it is always fatal. The fish affected should be destroyed in a humane way to prevent suffering so you must be sure of the diagnosis. The other fish need to be put into the hospital tank and started on a progressive salt treatment which takes about ten days. The custom fish tank has to be properly cleaned to stop the disease from spreading.

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