Struggle between the country and then upgrade the U.S. triple triple Solutions R

Triple triple Group issues trading companies to lift and store leasing contract notice, once again triggered and the National Group of the United States triple both the war of words, States United States regard the practice of non-approved triple group and said determined not to surrender tenancies.

The second stove

Sanlian Group

For a thorough and

Triple Trading Company

(600898) parted ways: direct sales stores listed companies have started to clean the rental space, and to prepare for in-situ creation of the "new triad"

Home Appliances

Marketplace. Meanwhile, the triple triple trading company group has sent a letter calling for the lifting and trading companies in Zaozhuang, Yantai Branch of the leasing contract, and Weifang branch not to renew the contract expires. Judging from the schedule, "New Triple" Weifang store will be a landmark store, this will be the "new triad" for mass consumption first window. By then, the "buy household appliances, to triple," the slogan will be here again to flutter.

Triple trading company based in Zaozhuang Branch, Yantai Branch and triple Group signed the "lease contract" Rental period is January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009, the contract, "For both sides in advance to terminate the contract 3 months advance written notice to the other, both sides not to pursue breach of contract. " Weifang branch under the company signed with the triple Group, "housing leasing contracts", rental period is January 1, 2009 to March 31, 2009, the contract "expires leasing, the lessee will be returned to the lessor Housing . lessee time to return housing is April 15, 2009. "

Reporters access to the bulletin noted, triple trading company in Weifang, Zaozhuang, Yantai and other stores, a three-month rent was 564,600 yuan, 150,000 yuan, 442,500 yuan. From the point of view the amount of the rent charges is not very big, but re-opened three stores, the cost of natural cheap.

Triple a small trading company secretaries to directorate Sun said: "The triple group cancel the lease contract is further against the interests of listed companies. Sanlian Group is now also listed more than 1,500 million owed the money yet still on, has to cancel the contract, the three United Group's practice has not been authorized, and said resolutely not Surrender. "As to whether to take further legal measures, he said that will depend on the situation there.

Today's announcement also said the company management has for the lifting of the triple group and the company's lease in the full study, a positive response, and strive to influence the events on the Company's control to a minimum.

Reporter asked

States United States

Whether contact with the triple Group, the Group's other home appliances will triple its assets received. Sun an d that the country had just entered the United States triple trading company, is developing the specific plan the next step, do not rule out companies with the triple group on cooperation matters. Appears in the Sun, as long as the two sides can reach an agreement, triple franchise group of assets such as home appliances with listed companies.

States United States entered the market and are expected, much better than the huge losses of bad. Board of the directors and management after the "big shake-up" after the triple trading company, sought after by investors, triple three consecutive daily limit of stock trading company, the stock climbed to 6 yuan mark. Today, the company issued an early warning notice, said first three quarters of losses as 44.1869 million yuan, net profit for 2008 expected to be huge losses, the annual report disclosure of the triple trading company will bring "ST" hat.

Earlier media reports said the triple Trading Company Jinan Branch property belonging to triple group home appliances. Today, Joint Announcement trading company denied the claim, notice clearly that the appliance branch place of business of Jinan, Jinan triple ground floor that is three to five on the ground, for the assets of the company name.

Jinan branch is located in the prime home appliances, land cheap. Reporter learned from informed sources, each floor building area about 3000 square meters, five total 15,000 square meters, with one square meter price of 10,000 yuan to the conservative calculation, a total of 150 million, plus three ground floor, with a total value should be more than 2 million. It is estimated triple trading company is not "shell", not "could not be more rotten rotten" company.

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