The new bright spot in China’s chemical industry: isocyanate

Isocyanate, a sound very professional, but in fact widely used in people around the raw materials, is the rapid development of China won. The industry source pointed out that isocyanate is no doubt China’s chemical industry is currently the industry’s most dynamic prospects immeasurably bright spot.

Isocyanate, a sound very professional, but in fact widely used in people around the raw materials, is the rapid development of China won. Auto parts, building materials, electrical appliances, furniture, pulp, shoes, spandex and so on in the extensive use of isocyanates, in particular, TDI and MDI, both mainly used in the production of soft (hard) foam polyurethane, polyurethane series of adhesives and sealants, polyurethane series of coatings and elastomers. Isocyanate is undoubtedly China’s chemical industry is currently the industry’s most dynamic prospects immeasurably bright spot.

It is understood that at present, some domestic strength and advanced technology, chemical companies are invariably the effectiveness of it as a new growth point, while some chemical industrial parks along the coast would Isocyanate production as a key project of local actively bring. At the same time, foreign companies are very concerned about the Chinese market, a number of large chemical companies such as BASF, Bayer, Huntsman, have already settled in China producing isocyanates.

Investment boom: revealing market is not saturated

January 10 this year, the Ministry of Commerce issued a public notice announcing the toluene diisocyanate mid-term review of dumping ruling, made in Japan, South Korea’s imports of toluene diisocyanate apply anti-dumping tax rates have been adjusted. Revised anti-dumping tax rate as follows: Japan’s Mitsui Takeda Chemical Co., Ltd. 12.45%, 60.02% of other Japanese companies. Korea, Japan Nippon Steel Chemical Co., Ltd. 4.05%, South Korea FINE CHEMICAL Co., Ltd. 5.08%, BASF Co., Ltd. 15.78%, 61.14% in other South Korean companies. This anti-dumping investigations starting in May 2002, when the former MOFTEC decided to come from the United States, Japan, South Korea’s imports of TDI to conduct anti-dumping investigation. This competition can be seen at home and abroad.

Security: Enterprise of integrated strength

Late last year, Liaoning Province, the mayor of Huludao city government Web site published a mailbox section where letters from the public, entitled “resolutely opposed to Jinxi Chemical Plant on the TDI project.” Members of the public opposed the project because: TDI production requires a highly toxic phosgene, in the village, the building tuanshanzi TDI plant in Huludao a great threat to the urban area and its surrounding village. The letter said: “Once the production process (light gas) leak, Bhopal Huludao will be the second.”

The TDI production project is to gather gold, and silver from the silver Jinhua Chemical Industry Group joint venture, the first phase of investment in more than 960 million yuan, TDI annual production capacity of 50,000 tons. Huludao City Environmental Protection Agency to respond to the above letter that the project respond to the accident, “using automatic control system, automatic control system adopts DCS control system and an independent emergency chain system, five million yuan investment, you can ensure that the advanced nature of production control and the safety of the production process, “also cited the area of environmental protection measures and promised relocation of residents within a safe distance from the government-funded resettlement processing.

I am China Products writer, reports some information about sodium carbonate monohydrate , ammonium hydrogen phosphate.

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