How NOT to drive – for fuel efficiency
Every day we hear about how petrol prices are going up, and how we should all be looking for ways to cut back on our consumption and increase our fuel efficiency in order to save money, and the environment. Here are the top tips you SHOULDN’T follow if you’re looking to save money at the petrol pump.
• Drive around with tyres that aren’t fully inflated
o Under inflated tyres can crank up fuel consumption by five per cent, so keep those tires nice and flat and you’ll be chewing through petrol in no time.
• Drive around on highways with your windows rolled all the way down
o Winding your windows down creates wind drag on your car when you’re driving at high speeds on a highway, and requires your engine to put in more effort to continue travelling at the same speed.
• Blast the air conditioner
o Use the air conditioning as much as you can, especially in heavy traffic, or for driving around a low speeds. Air con forces your engine to work harder, thus consuming more fuel.
• Don’t bother changing the oil
o In fact, if you really want to waste fuel and make your car unsafe to drive, don’t bother getting your engine regularly checked or serviced at all.
• Drive over the speed limit
o Constantly driving even just a few kilometres per hour over the speed limit greatly increases your fuel consumption. Not to mention the fact that it’s also highly dangerous. • Carry a few kilograms of junk around in your boot at all times
o This will put further strain on your engine, as the car needs to use more fuel just to get going. So all those old clothes you’ve been meaning to drop off at the Smith Family donation bin, or all those tools you never use, and your spare gym equipment – by all means, put them all in your car boot if you want to guzzle fuel.
• Speed up and slow down quickly
o Heavy braking, quick accelerating and start-stop driving in general are some of the best ways to waste fuel.
• Only drive during heavy peak hour traffic
o Again, start-stop traffic will churn through more petrol than driving on empty roads at smooth, consistent speeds.
Of course, we can’t stress enough the importance of maintaining your vehicle in top condition, and the importance of driving according to the road rules. This is not only for fuel efficiency, but for your safety as well. This is why we do NOT recommend following any of the above listed tips, but rather, reverse them.
Checking how well a car has been maintained is also important when you’re shopping for used cars. Perth, Sydney, Melbourne and all major cities in Australian have a number of reputable car dealerships which can give you advice on how to best maintain your car, and drive it for maximum fuel efficiency!