70-576 exam

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Soft company in 1992 in Beijing, China set up the first representative office and, after that, Microsoft 70-576 in China have been set up in Microsoft China research and development centers, Microsoft global technology support center and Microsoft Asia research institute for scientific research, product development and technology, support services. Now Microsoft in China with 900 employees DuoRen, the formation of Beijing as its headquarters, in Shanghai, guangzhou branch framework, and Microsoft 70-576 China become Microsoft in the United States outside the headquarters of the complete function subsidiary.

Microsoft 70-576 China technology center for technical cooperation and innovation, not turnover and profits in as the goal, from foundation to now always keep his promise to the masses of users and partners to provide a new technology experience and cooperate in the development environment, meet them in the development process of hardware facilities and technology support requirements. Hope that through our service, partners and business users can use Microsoft 70-576 platform meet their business growth and the need to realize commercial value.

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