Bad Breath – Causes And Home Remedies
Bad breath or halitosis is a common cause of embarrassment for many. But in most cases the person with foul odorous breath remains unaware of his or her problem, creating much discomfort for the people around him or her. It is the result of sulphur compounds released by bacteria breeding on the left-over of food particles that get trapped in between teeth or around gums and get decomposed. The odor arises from the surface of tongue. One can check whether he or she has halitosis by cupping hands around mouth and nose, blowing out air and sniffing in, brushing teeth after meals, cleansing tongue and drinking lots of water can control bad breath. The causes of halitosis may be listed as follows:
1. Intake of food with strong odor like onion, garlic etc.
2. Smoking or chewing
3. Improper brushing and remains of food accumulating between teeth and around gums.
4. Improper cleansing of dentures and odor causing bacteria trapped within dentures.
5. Periodontal or gum diseases like accumulation of plaque.
6. Poorly fitting dental appliances
7. Dental caries
8. Yeast infection in mouth
9. Decomposition of the dead cells of the tongue, gum and cheeks.
10. Dry mouth or xerostomia
11. Respiratory tract infections like pneumonia and bronchitis.
12. Chronic sinus infection, postnasal drip, tonsillitis and other conditions of nose and throat.
13. Diseases like diabetes, liver or kidney problems, chronic acid reflux.
14. Chronic constipation.
15. Intestinal sluggishness
Home Remedies for Bad Breath
1. Simmer 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds in 1 liter cold water, strain and drink the water as tea. This prevents bad breath.
2. Yoghurt consumption removes halitosis.
3. One can chew mint leaves to freshen up breath.
4. Avocado, when used as a mouth cleansing lotion, checks intestinal putrefaction and relieves bad breath.
5. Chewing tender leaves of guava treats gum problems and halitosis effectively.
6. Prepare an infusion by boiling parsley twigs in water and use it as a mouth wash frequently. It controls halitosis.
7. Mix the juice of lemon with warm water and gargle with the mixture. This destroys odor causing enzymes and stimulates salivary glands.
8. Watering mouth with a solution made by mixing baking soda in warm water solves the problem of halitosis.
9. Drinking water frequently is the easiest remedy for halitosis.
10. Chewing margosa twig is a bad breath cure.
11. Gargling with a solution of few drops of tea tree oil in warm water is an effective home remedy for bad breath.
12. Gargling with half tablespoon vinegar in a glass of warm water provides long lasting relief from halitosis.
13. Drinking a cup of hot unsweetened tea is an effective halitosis cure.
14. Eating apple regularly purifies mouth by killing bacteria.
15. Chewing of cardamom seeds is an effective bad breath cure.
Read about effective Home Remedies for Bad Breath. Also know about Home Remedies for Backache.