How to quickly create articles to kill writer’s block
Come on, admit it we’ve all been there before: If you are a professional writer or not we all draw a blank from time to time when we want to write an amazing article.
Guess what? I’ve solved that dilemma with very simple steps to get back writing quickly so you can be back on your merry way publishing articles and getting new subscribers. All you need to do is follow my quick steps below if you have a case of writer’s block:
1)Action Steps
For now, don’t worry about writing the greatest headline and catchy leading paragraph. What’s the point of bringing your reader into an article without any real worth to it? Begin exactly where you build credibility, in the action steps. As you probably know you want to clearly identify your subject and then tell your reader how you plan on making their lives easier. For example, mechanics are always going to have to fix cars, it’s the nature of their business. If you create an article for others in the automotive industry you can write about new technology or techniques to save them time or money.
2)Bring your best at the end
A good article should always contain excellent “takeaway”, this is after all your last shot to tell your reader that you know what you are talking about. Use key information in the final paragraph. If you are writing for a specific task show them new and better ways to get their job done. Use your imagination and pertinent information to help your target audience. What you want to provide your reader is something they can do after reading your article. They will never forget who you are and might become fans of your future writing as well.
3)Celebrate the benefits
Once you’ve eliminated any doubts in your credibility, bring the reader in emotionally and make them crave your amazing information. Oh, if you are creating actions steps and takeaway first, this should be easier for you due to the fact that you will be very excited about the information that you will see benefits from. That is writing catchy and informative leading paragraphs and headlines is about: benefiting you audience.
And finally
Whatever you are doing always make sure after writing to include information about yourself. This not only gets your reader to begin to familiarize themselves with your work but it also allows you to plug your website or service. Make sure you figure out exactly what you want your reader to do before writing your “about the author” section. If you don’t guide your audience to where you want them to go or what you want them to do then your efforts are pointless.
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