Adjusting Long Term Care Insurance Premiums
Since long term care insurance premiums increased from 10 to 40%, people started to have the notion that insurance companies can impose an increase on premiums anytime that they want.
That, however, is untrue. In real life, insurance companies should get approval from the department of insurance first before it can impose an increase. What’s more, it is not allowable to single out an individual’s policy for the increase, as it should involve a class with a specific long term care insurance (LTCI) policy.
Now if you are a new buyer, you have nothing to fear because you still have the freehand to dictate how much you’ll be paying annually for premium. Everything stipulated in your LTCI policy will have an effect on your premium so study your choices carefully.
Let’s say you’re 40 and paying an annual premium of $2,490 because you have just purchased a comprehensive LTCI policy which stipulates a maximum benefit worth $200,000 for a five-year coverage period. Apart from these factors, you also picked a 30-day elimination period and a 5% compound annual inflation protection.
Had you gone for smaller numbers you could’ve saved yourself a chunk of cash. For instance, instead of a five-year benefit period, you could’ve opted for three years. A waiting period of 90 days to one year would’ve pulled down your premium drastically but since you went for 30 days, you’re now paying a fortune.
In Control of Long Term Care Insurance Premiums
Planning to purchase an insurance policy to ensure full coverage of your long term care expenses? Start now.
Buying an LTCI policy 40 years before you’ll actually need it is highly recommended by long term care specialists as this will guarantee you a very low annual premium. You will probably pay between $300 and $500 per annum as compared to the premium rates of older individuals who only realized the importance of getting a policy when they turned 65; some waited till they’re 70!
Since most of these elderly folks had a pre-existing health condition already when they applied for LTCI, their policies cost as much as $3,000 to $6,000 a year. Perhaps, this explains why insurance companies constantly remind people to plan their future health care early.
Young, healthy and financially secured individuals who purchase LTCI policies get to savor low annual premiums, in fact they’ll need to spend more on a pair of D&G sneakers and other branded footwear.
Even if you purchase a policy at the age of 30, you will definitely still be able to use your benefits when you acquire a disability 20 or 30 years from now and eventually require assistance in the activities of daily living.
Planning one’s health care needs early will not only spare him from high long term care insurance premiums, but will allow him more room for choices. Contact your insurance agent or speak with a representative from your state’s insurance department to get the ideal plan.