The CO2 Storage Will Reduce Global Warming

To reduce CO2 storage s are very necessary. The Co2 storages will be very much under sea level.

CO2 storage will become very necessary in some places. When there is more content of CO2 in the air surrounding you, you have to store it instead of releasing it to the atmosphere. Where there are power plants there is more generation of the CO2, This CO2 cannot be released into the atmosphere as it is dangerous to living things. This gas can be stored and used where it is required. The capturing of the CO2 is a process which requires fuel. After the capturing the storage is quite cheap. So capturing CO2 will increase the maintenance of the power plant. Carbon is given to the atmosphere whenever we burn any fossil fuel. To avoid the release of CO2 into the atmosphere we have to capture Co2 and store so that it is not leaked causing many problems. We need some natural storage to store it as it is not easy to build storage tanks to hold millions of tons of this gas. Methane gas is the by product of the gas fields, which is got off shore through pipes. This gas is converted to hydrogen and CO2. The CO2 is then sent off shore through non corrosive pipe line. This Co2 is stored in an oil field below the sea level instead of letting it to the atmosphere.

The technology of CO2 storage has improved a lot. Now through out the world they store CO2 without any leakages. If CO2 is captured well and stored in proper places, the global warming will be reduced to a certain extent. The storage sites of CO2 are the depleted gas fields, oil fields, saline formations and deep coal seams. There are many other geological CO2 Storage sites like the basalt and organically rich scale, caverns. The geological environment should be stable; there should be a sealing rock which will seal the CO2 from not escaping outside. The caverns should be having adequate space to hold tons of gas. The experts should check the site before storing the gas in cavern. This storage would be a disaster if CO2 gets leaked. The gas has to be compressed to a certain pressure to get stored. Usually this is done by heating the gas.

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The Author is a professional writer, presently writing for Core lab .

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