Jim Shore Figurines

First let me introduce the world of Jim Shore. Jim is a very talented artist that has existed for many years. It is true gifted artist.His figures have the appearance of carved wooden figures. The use of vibrant colors and patterns of quilts are some of the features used in all figures. It was first introduced to quilting by her grandmother. The figurines are made of stone resin, but unless you touch, you never know they are not wood. Using Jim’s motivation based on patchwork skirts or people or angels, and the appearance of carved wood to integrate the look of an antique that allows you to mix old and new. want to know more info click here

Jim Shore is out nearly every occasion. He has something for everyone, no matter who you are. There are things for children, men, women, and all the holiday or occasion. Some things are the angels who are religious in nature, love, peace, or the army as a people, a father and son, mother and child, the bride and groom snowmen and snow women, the Christmas and other festivities. Jim Shore

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