Advantages of Video Based Training
Corporate learning relies mainly on Instructor Led Training (ILT) however getting such ILT to function in all the dispersed locations of a global enterprise is a tough ask not to mention tremendously expensive since developing, delivering and ensuring attendance for such ILT training sessions can be a costly affair. There are numerous other negatives as well for instance the once used content may not eligible to be re-used also the knowledge sharing will be on the basis of the ILT class schedule and it’s not based on the needs of the user. Additionally such training sessions seem to be a waste of the Subject Matter Expert’s (SME) time, since more often than not the SME’s are left simply repeating and reiterating the same content over and over again. Therefore global enterprises seek for such solutions that can offer the same kind of training but right at the desktops of their employees.
There are a number of virtual event software as well as video based training solutions that can solve the problems faced by the regular ILT mechanisms. These video based training solutions can empower enterprises with the ability to communicate complex processes and technologies in a rather engaging way by giving you ways and means to train your staff who may be deployed at disparate locations. An economical solution, video based training ensures that all the employees receive the same information There are numerous advantages of such video based training techniques, some of them include:
- Learning more in less time: Video based training solutions ensures that enterprises spend less time via these training sessions and video trainings also ensures that the retention power of the content also is quite exhaustive.
- Video makes learning lively: Owing to the simple fact that training is offered via the visual medium it makes for very compelling content thus making even participants of the training program more enthusiastic and willing to learn.
- Training sessions will no longer be a drag! : With video based training sessions, participants will seem eager to learn and will no longer consider training workshops as being boring.
- External resources will no longer be required: Video based training sessions can be handled and managed in-house rendering external help or external trainers redundant.
- Drastic reduction of training costs: Once an enterprise engages these video based training solutions, delivery costs can be dramatically reduced.
Global enterprises want their employees to enhance their skills constantly and such enterprises can gain immensely from optimized video based training solutions.