Planning your Catalog Deployment Strategies Properly

The deployment strategy for 8.5×5.5 catalogs is a lot similar to the strategies for most other catalog templates out there. The only real difference here is that with these smaller 8.5×5.5 catalogs, you have the opportunity to deploy to a lot more locations and make use of a lot more different methods in distribution.

Let me help you plan your catalog deployment strategies properly, especially for those smaller 8.5×5.5 catalogs. Here are some of the essential tips that you should know so that your deployment can be well planned, well executed and of course a lot more successful.

1. Be specific with your target markets – You cannot have an effective deployment strategy for color catalogs if you are not actually specific with your target markets. If you are not sure exactly who you are marketing to with your catalogs, then your distribution will turn into a mass marketing effort that is very diluted and of course less effective.

That is why it is always important to be specific with your targets when it comes to catalog deployment. Are your targets the corporate types in the business district of your city? Are they the teenagers that are always buying fad items? Or maybe they are the women who are married with kids but want an exciting and active life? The more specific your targets are, the more you will be able to deploy your catalogs at the precise places where they go to. So make sure you decide very early on who they are.

2. Know the right places as well as the right times – Another crucial point when you are planning your deployment strategy is about the right place and time. Many marketers in catalog printing get fixated on the locations of deployment that they forget exactly the specific times when deployment is more effective.

Some areas of course are only worth deploying to at certain times of the day, the week or even the year. It is all about the real habits of your target markets really, and you should know where they usually gather at specific places at designated times. With the right timing your deployment strategy should be a lot more efficient and effective at the same time.

3. Do a physical ocular of the deployment area – One big tip that you should remember is to always do a physical ocular of the catalog deployment area. Always try to see it for yourself so that you can decide really if it is a good place or not. Never leave your deployment areas to chance since you will be just wasting valuable time and printing resources if you really do not think about where you are deploying your marketing material.

4. Review your deployment tools – Of course, for deployment, you should review all the different tools that you will be using. Do you need racks? Will envelopes be needed? Is a sign merited for people to pick-up your catalogs? You must of course already list down the needed tools so taht your deployment strategy can be done properly.

5. Review your deployment resources – Finally, always try to review your deployment resources. You might be planning an extensive multi-tiered and wave oriented catalog deployment strategy for your prints, but if you cannot actually afford that kind of catalog distribution then the planning of course will be worthless. That is why it is important to know your financial limitations so that you can deploy on the right budget.

With the tips above, you should be able to develop a better and far more effective distribution plan for your color catalogs. So make sure you follow all the tips carefully. Good Luck!

For more easy and useful ideas on how to make unique and winning cards to start up your marketing campaign, visit: catalog templates.

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