Filling Your Septic Tank Curiosity
Septic tanks have caught the attention of home builders in Marion County. The Chief Sanitarian recognized the residents’ deficient knowledge on the subject area of septic tanks that is why he released an article on The Septic Tank and Its Use. To further comprehension on the subject of septic tanks was the main purpose of the article. New subdivisions and rural areas do not have properly developed sewerage systems and a septic tank is the most appropriate choice for these areas. A filter bed or a tile disposal field will provide for a means for waste matter disposal.
The look of fresh waste matter is like that of soapy water and it is dark grey in color. A 150 gallon amount of waste matter is made up of around one pound of solids. Of these solids, about one half is mineral and the other half vegetable and animal matter. A forty percent suspension and a sixty percent solution are produced from vegetable and animal matter.
The clearance of the effluent portions that settle and don’t settle is the chief predicament in sewage treatment. Sewage is usually delivered from the house to a special digestive tank called a septic tank, which is simply a retaining chamber which assists and speeds the natural decomposition process. The heavier components of sewage sink to the base of the tank and decomposition begins while the lighter components rise to the top and create scum.
Credits for the disintegration and decomposition that occur in septic tanks go to the aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. The solids are diminished into liquids and gases after the bacteria have acted upon them. A certain amount of waste matter cannot be decomposed so it forms sludge at the base of the tank instead. The action of bacteria is vital to the function of a septic tank. Quelling of the bacteria action occurs in the presence of chemicals within the tank. Clearing drains with the use of chemical substances and lye is not advised.
Expelling an amount of liquid is equal to that of the volume of fresh sewage that enters the tank maintains the levels of liquid in a septic tank and prevents overflow. A structure called the baffle, directs fresh sewage downward so that it is not expelled immediately. The instant expulsion of undecomposed raw sewage is prevented and scum is preserved by this method . The septic tank’s baffle at the outlet helps achieve this purpose.
Decomposition does not rid the effluent of its fetid odor. A septic tank must not be used as a collection reservoir for rain water. A 500 gallon septic tank would be able to serve a two bedroom home effectively. A 1000 gallon tank would be most useful to large houses. Septic tanks should be tidied up once every three years.
More information on the topic of water tanks is located at sewage treatment.At waste water treatment plant you’ll find more expert resources on water tanks.