Water Harvesting with Economical Rain Barrels
Water is easily the most precious resource available on earth. Home gardeners depend upon this resource as means for becoming successful in the garden. Water is essential for the survival of all plants. Recent extreme weather patterns have caused many areas to experience droughts. Without water plants won’t survive. So why not capture this precious resource with inexpensive rain barrels?
Water harvesting with inexpensive rain barrels is helpful in many ways. Rain water is a free resource. When captured in rain barrels it becomes free water costing you less throughout the year. While cities and communities continue to increase water rates and place restrictions on water usage this process of collecting water provides an excellent way of saving cash combined with the freedom of unregulated water usage.
Collected rain water in rain barrels is free of chemicals. Public water is treated with chlorine or chloramine. Chloramine is a chlorine and ammonia mixture. This mixture allows chlorine to stay in the water longer providing fresher drinking water. With such chemicals present in public water systems, the standard of water is greatly reduced for plants. Chlorine has no benefit in the growth of plants. Rain water is natural and chemical free. Plants prefer natural chemical free rain water to public chemically treated tap water.
The water temperature of collected water in affordable rain barrels is warm like the spring and summer rains. Warm water temperature is required for proper plant root development. Whether you are growing flowering plants indoors or outdoors, plants thrive on warm water. Warm water is quickly and easily absorbed into the plant root system. No more worries of cold water shocking the plant root system.
A flowering landscape graces a home with beauty and grace. The selection of plants, shrubbery and flowers adds good balance to the property. Less expensive rain barrels come in a variety of shapes, colors and sizes. A proper rain barrel setup provides a blended small footprint for the home owner and a convenient method for accessing the collected rain water. There are no awkward tangled garden hoses to mess with. Just a spigot and /or a short garden hose if desired.
Collecting rain water with low-cost rain barrels is not restricted to gardeners and home landscapers. The collected rain water can be used for various jobs at home. As i’ve already explained, harvested rain water in rain barrels is natural and chemical free. Chemical free water helps you to use less soap when washing a car or any project requiring soap. Public water systems are chemically treated water with a variety of chemicals that prevent detergent soap from fully lathering with soap suds. This causes more soap to be added for the desired results. However, rain water collected in rain barrels is natural chemical free water. Detergent soap added to this natural chemical free water lathers with plenty of soap suds causing you to use less detergent soap when washing your automobile or any project requiring detergent soap.
The method of harvesting water with inexpensive rain barrels have various benefits that help you save money by collecting chemical free rain water at no cost for use around the house.
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