EPA fish oil: Better Nutritional Supplement for Good Health
Our busy lifestyles and increasing reliance on convenience and processed foods is undoubtedly taking its toll on our health. Stress and anxiety levels are higher than ever and the number of people developing depression, heart disease, and other health problems is on the increase. Drug prescriptions are also rising, which in many cases brings unwanted side effects. Most of us really want to lead stress free, healthy lives without putting in too much extra effort, but a positive attitude alone will not bring this about, we need to have the right nutrients too.
One way of making sure we have enough of the essential fatty acids so necessary for good physical and mental health is to increase our consumption of fresh fish, particularly oily fish which contains high amounts of the Omega 3 fatty acid Eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA, or we could take EPA fish oil.
The reason why EPA is important is we really need a regular supply of this fatty acid for regulating many physiological processes in the body and for efficient brain function, but because our bodies cannot produce EPA we need to source it directly from the diet. Unfortunately, fish is contaminated with industrial pollutants so we cannot eat fresh fish on a daily basis unless we want to add to our health problems by increasing the amount of toxins in our body. However, we don’t have that problem with a daily dose of fish oil.
It’s vital to make sure the fish oil we take is high quality fish oil such as pure EPA as not all fish oils are of the same strength and purity.
Pure EPA is classed as high grade fish oil and is the kind used in so many of the studies that have highlighted such positive effects. Scientific research has now established that EPA fish oil can help prevent and treat a number of conditions including depression, heart disease, skin problems, and even stress. EPA is anti-inflammatory so reduces inflammation in the body, has a blood thinning effect so can reduce the risk of strokes, and research has shown it can help prevent several different types of cancer. There is a massive amount of information on the web about the positive effects of increased EPA consumption so if in doubt do your own research.
With EPA fish oil you give your health and immune system a much needed boost without any side effects. EPA capsules are safe and they are convenient as they are high strength which means you only need to take one or two capsules a day to get enough EPA in the diet to make a difference.