How age and health condition affect the long term care quotes from your insurance provider
Deciding on whether to get an LTC policy is never easy especially if there are a lot of things to consider and prioritize. It is made even harder by the unstable economic condition that we are still trying to overcome and resolve. But if an individual is seriously considering of getting an LTC policy, one way of helping him decide is to request or ask for long term care quotes from different insurance providers. With this, he can estimate and budget his finances accordingly before actually buying a policy.
Prices and rates of LTC services and plans vary, depending on the exact region or area in a state where the insured person lives. Although some areas offer cheaper prices, most of the LTC policies from the private insurance companies are expensive, and an individual must allot a large portion of his income in paying his monthly premiums.
This is possibly one of the reasons why there are still over 32 million Americans who do not own an LTC insurance policy. Some of them prefer to save and wait for the time until they finally need to avail of the LTC services, hoping that the rates will be cheaper and more affordable.
Unknown to them, they can save more dollars if they decide to buy their policies as early as now. This is because insurance companies have considerations and standards when obtaining the prices of the policies’ monthly premiums. One major factor that is considered when applying for an LTC plan or when requesting for long term care quotes is the actual age of the individual during his plan acquisition.
A policy that was bought at a younger age will have cheaper and more affordable monthly premiums. Aside from age, other aspects that insurance companies acknowledge in order to have lower monthly premiums include the present heath status of the person, his family’s medical history, if he smokes or not, and as stated earlier, the area in a state where he plans to live during the validity of his policy.
Policies that were bought when the person is younger also gives him the chance to get better and higher levels of inflation protection. Inflation protection is said to be the most beneficial and most important of all LTC policy features because it adjusts and regulate the value of a certain policy according to the current costs of LTC services.
The adjustment is automatic, whether or not the policy was acquired at a much cheaper price. The levels of inflation protection are based on the age of the individual when he had his LTC plan. Simple, compound, or an inflation protection based on the Consumer Price Index may be given to the policies that were bought at age 60 and below while LTC plans that were acquired at age 76 and up do not necessarily require any inflation protection but the person may still opt to purchase his plan with it.
Long term care quotes may now also be requested online. Just visit some of the private insurance companies’ websites and check out their LTC assessment tool that generates LTC quotations based on the personal information that an individual will provide.
We can match you with the perfect carriers and long term care quotes upon your request. Check out our website now to find out how you can save time and money through the long term care insurance quotes we provide.