Evaluate your eBusiness Channel
An eBusiness platform built on top your Content Management System (CMS) is not a simple online sales platform but a strategic communication medium encapsulated with multiple attributes. The online communication strategy involves communicating right attributes to right people and making continuous changes. The online communication and marketing strategy is unique to itself and the convention sales and marketing strategies may not apply to its entirety.
The following major attributes of online medium make it unique:
- Global audience
- Compete for attention
- Compete for clicks and concentration
- Intuitive navigation and search feature
- Selling intangibles
- Transactional security
- Distributed feedbacks across web
- Rapid changes driven by usability and user navigation
Simply setting up a CMS and eBusiness platform will not complete your online marketing strategy and it warrants continuous changes based on user feedbacks and usage patterns. This involves continuous monitoring, measuring, and quantitative consolidation of your online media performance. This article deals with major steps in evaluating and managing your online channel in an efficient way.
OptiSol views online media strategy as five phased approach:
Once you have setup your CMS with eBusiness channel, you are done with phase 1 and you have to be in continuous loop from phase 2 to 5. The major focus once your eBusiness channel has been set will be on:
- Generating Traffic
- Establishing Metrics
- Accelerating Sales
- Retaining Customers
The above phases involve multiple steps with technical and marketing orientation. Search Engine Marketing (SEM), integrations, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) give technical backbone whereas campaign management, buyer behavior analysis gives techno-marketing backbone. The evaluation of your strategy involves analysis of both technical and techno-marketing aspects.
The evaluation strategy involves following steps:
- Describe your intended future state: This is what you want to shoot for in maybe next 12 months to 24 months. This sets your target. Be as specific as possible. Give your future state concrete numbers with specific focus on online media strategy.
- Define your present state: This is where you are today. Keep your focus to online media strategy as is status by answering simple questions.
- Choose metrics: Determine the metrics you want to track to evaluate your progress from the present state to the future state.
- Analyze the gap: Figure out the gaps in where you are and where you want to be. This gap analysis should be as specific as possible because you want to make concrete progress that is measurable.
- Select strategies that close the gap: Brainstorm about what you need to do in order to close the gap between now and the future.
- OptiSol has built a comprehensive score card system to evaluate your online media performance. We will define KPI (Key Performance Indicators) for your online media performance evaluation and use quantitative methodologies for analyzing each of the parameters.
Our business intelligence team experts would work closely with you for this performance evaluation and arrive at quantitative reports. We offer this 2 hour analysis effort at free of cost. Please get in touch with info @ optisolbusiness.com to know further.