When to apply for maternity leave?

Pregnancy leave or maternity leave is the interrelated term which used interchangeably. It refers to the paid leaves when a women is about to get pregnant and conceive a child. It means as soon as women get pregnant she is entitled to apply for pregnancy leave. It is all about to provide complete benefits and safety to the working women during her pregnancy period. Another vital aspect to concern is that maternity leave sometimes regarded as the parental leave or adoption leave. Thus, here both partners fall under this category to enjoy the benefits of parental leave. While applying for the pregnancy leave the most imperative step is deciding when to apply for maternity leave. Therefore, every woman need to consider some points and must understand about the pregnancy leave properly.

Considerable points:
1. Initially, every country has different plan for the pregnancy leave that includes distinctive benefits and time period for paid leaves. Thus, it is very important to understand the respective country’s employment insurance or pregnancy leave policy associated with other benefits.
2. Next point to consider is how many days leave you will apply for maternity leave.
3. There is some particular guidance of each country regarding becoming eligible for maternity leave. In some cases there are fixed time period of working in  particular company to decide whether you are eligible for enjoying leave or not.
4. Consider some additional benefits including normal delivery benefits of leave

When you need to apply for leave?

It is the most critical question in front of the person. However, it is strongly depend on the time duration of STD (short term disability). Most of the country provides eight weeks to 12 weeks of leave to the both partners during the pregnancy or adoption period. Thus, when to apply for maternity leave depends on the rules and regulations of each country regarding pregnancy.
1. The earlier you inform your boss, the better response and benefits you will get.
2. If there is any employee insurance scheme then you need start covering your pregnancy period before few days of the conception as it secures your benefits properly.
3. Mask sure that you are paying the premiums properly. Another point is that employer must allow you to take your job back after the prescribed time period for maternity leave.

It is all about the pregnancy leave and exploring the best timing of when to apply for maternity leave.

Read in this article about when to apply for maternity leave and pregnancy. Also get more information on maternity leave policy by visiting Onlymyhealth.

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