Do You Actually Need Amplifying Headphones? Get them Now!

Today, about 20% of the population have the risk of losing their hearing because they are listening music using a very high volume. This aspect is showed by an official research made by the European Commission. So, now you need to reconsider your need and start asking to yourself Do You Actually Want Amplifying Headphones.

This research show that people could lose their hearing because they are using the headphones with a high volume regularly. On the research it is known that the listeners would choose to use the highest volume, over than 80dB. 80 dB is the allowed noise allowed in your workplace. However, the most expose categories are children and elders.

If you ask the question Do You Actually Want Amplifying Headphones, you will receive different answers. While some people might say they are necessary for a quality sound, people that went to the doctor because of this have a really different opinion. Today you can see that doctors are getting more and more patients with hearing problems because of these headphones. One thing to know is that the headphones is not the only thing to be blamed, there are powerful sound devices too that could do this to the people.

When you feel that the speakers are too loud, you can see that people are not considering this as a problem at all. However, if the music is loud, the negative effects might appear in a few years. The normal headphones usually have a decent level of noise even at high volumes. The amplifying headphones, however, are able to play loud sounds, so the answer to the dilemma Do You Actually Want Amplifying Headphones is no.

The authorities have did everything they can to minimize the capacities of this device, and they have impose the manufacturers about it. However, it is known that the capacities of the headphones can be increased by the users, so those new laws might not solve the problem.

The teenagers would not even ask if Do You Actually Want Amplifying Headphones. This is why they are buying the most powerful devices of this kind, losing their hearing slow. Because the process is slow, the teenagers will not even observe this process, until the hearing loss is complete. This habit exploits the stability at the level of the ear’s cells, and an irreversible loss of hearing will be observed after a while. The affected cells are not recovered, so they die without any possibility of recovery.

Teenagers today buys devices with 90-100 decibels of sound levels, and this is very dangerous because it could damage your ear. Try to compare it the concert you attend before, the sound in the MP3 is continuous and it would damage your ear.

This is why the specialists recommend the external headphones instead of the earphones, ensuring a better protection of the ear, and sometimes even a better sound quality. Try to minimize the risk by limiting your music listening time for less than two hours a day.

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