Does Medicare Cover Long Term Care?

Many people believe up to this day that even without a long term care insurance (LTCI) policy they will get through their long term care expenses for as long as Medicare and Medicaid are still around?  So, the longstanding question remains – Will Medicare pay for long term care?

The truth stings but it has to be revealed.  Medicare will never cover your long term care expenses.  It’s the federal health insurance program, Medicaid, which may provide this type of service to qualified applicants.  To qualify for Medicaid, however, you have to be impoverished in every sense of the word.

Back to Medicare, it will only cover your 100-day stay in a nursing home if this was preceded by a three-day hospitalization due to a medical condition, and which was recommended by a licensed physician.  Simply put, Medicare is only responsible for providing short-term care to individuals who are on the road to recovery from a serious health condition or a bad injury resulting from an accident.

Now let’s say you qualified for Medicare benefits.  It has to be made clear to you that the program will only provide you with full health coverage in your first 20 days in a nursing home. In the succeeding days until you reach the 100th, it will only shoulder 80% of your expenses and you’ll need to foot the rest of the bill using your personal resources or retirement savings.

This program, though oftentimes confused with Medicaid, only qualifies elderly folks who are 65 years old or past this age.  You can say that this is a federal health insurance program primarily designed for the elderly population.

Medicare will provide some amount of coverage to people younger than 65 years old but it will assess these individuals first in order to be certain that they are, indeed, disabled due to a medical catastrophe.

The said health program will also accept any person of any age who has acquired permanent kidney failure or which is medically called end-stage renal disease.

Will Medicare Pay For Long Term Care?

Medicare is a federal health insurance program intended only for its members.  Unlike Medicaid which eyes the poor, Medicare will only take care of those individuals who have religiously paid their annual premiums to the program.

Medicare premiums are deducted from payroll taxes and these make up the fund that is used to pay the medical expenses of an eligible member of this program.

If you’re a legit member of the Medicare program, it will cover your expenses in a hospital including the cost of a semi-private room, nursing staff that monitors you day in and day out, meals, and practically all kinds of services that were rendered to you.

Now Medicare will continue shouldering your recovery expenses in a nursing home if this was recommended by a licensed physician.  Medicare provides short-term care at home, too, but as mentioned earlier this will only be for a specific period of time.

Yes, it’s confusing, all these federal health insurance programs and their various offerings.  Wouldn’t it be more practical to come up with a specific healthcare plan rather than to constantly rack your brains out wondering will Medicare pay for long term care?

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