First Month of Pregnancy Symptoms
First month of pregnancy symptoms, are really the ones that are really bother as this is the first time you are being introduced to them. For the first time mothers these are really bothering but during these 9 months you get practiced to it and obviously get sure that you are being covering a number of other things related to it also. Like there is a lot of mental pressure related to it. For this if you are aware of the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy you can easily deal with them. Let us look at some of the most common symptoms that a lady faces in her first month of pregnancy,
1. The early stages of pregnancy is very vital stage and getting cramps in legs and hands is very common
2. Having stomach ache is also seen in ladies
3. Morning sickness
4. Vomiting
5. Nausea
6. Laziness
7. Depression
8. Hypertension
9. Feeling very less interested in eating
10. Eagerness for a specific food
11. Ladies who have problems related to spine gets a back pain from this first month of pregnancy symptoms only.
Let us look at what should be done to avoid or deal with these pregnancy symptoms,
1. Take morning walk that is for relaxing your body as also prepare your mind for the change
2. Make sure that you intake small dosage of food instead of full meal or complete whole meal
3. Take lots of fresh foods and make sure that you take freshly baked or cooked food only
4. Drink lots of fluids
5. Take proper rest
6. Try to be happy
7. Make sure that you consult with your doctor if there is any serious issues
8. Make sure do not go for intercourse during this period.
First month of pregnancy symptoms are not that bothering sometimes but they are basically for the reason that you are coming with these situations for the first time. Make sure that you go for proper maintain of the daily food intake and also make sure that you do not go for long drives and other steps that is simply very harmful for you. Stay away from all this and obviously make sure that you stay away from smoking and drinking. This way only you can go for making a complete healthy baby grow inside you.
The author has given good information on pregnancy symptoms month by month in this article. For more information on pregnancy symptoms and early pregnancy symptoms visit Onlymyhealth.