Ultrasound in pregnancy, a secured Way to Check the Baby’s condition
Ultrasound in pregnancy is one of those technological helps that matters the most to all. This is one technology that has made the complications in pregnancies to face no issues. Actually a lot of difficulties faced during pregnancy can be stopped and seen with the help of the technology. This is a gift from science to women so that they give the birth to a healthy child.
There are a lot of ultrasound in pregnancy let us look at them and seen in various pregnancy trimesters and let see how this can help a pregnant women,
Pregnancy ultrasound is done in the first trimester of pregnancy to:
1. Confirm a pregnancy is normal or not this is the very fast stage and hence the baby can be abode if there is any serious issues
2. Determine of the age of the baby
3. Look ectopic pregnancies or if there is any chance for miscarriage
4. heart rate of the baby is determined
5. multiple pregnancies (twins or may be triplets)
6. Identify problems of the placenta, ovaries uterus and cervix
A pregnancy ultrasound may also be done in the second and third trimesters to:
1. Determine the baby’s age as also growth and position
2. developmental problems identification
3. multiple pregnancies
4. Look at the placenta or any other kind of serious issues
5. The determination of the baby’s delivery date is also done in the phase.
Ultrasound in pregnancy this ways gives you the chances for secured growth of your baby and obviously a happy delivery. If there are any complications found in the baby or the pregnancy during the first trimester then sometimes ultrasound is required for more than 1 time or may be each month also this totally depends on the pregnant ladies physical conditions.
Ultrasound in pregnancy is a gift of technology and obviously this is used for good reasons but sometimes this is also used for the bad reasons and people are found to use it for sex determination and killing for girl in the womb grows with this. Many a clinics run illegal sex determination centres and obviously they are found to disturb the social systems. Still we cannot ignore the fact that this is a real gift of science and many babies can be saved along with many mothers.
Read in this article about ultrasound during pregnancy. For more information on pregnancy test during pregnancy visit Onlymyhealth.