You Have Her Number – Getting the Confidence to Call Her

You got through asking her for the number and now you pretty much don’t know what to do with it. Should you call her today, tomorrow, or the next day? What time should you call her? What should you say?

With all these question running through your head it can be hard to pick up the phone and call her. But here’s the important thing to remember; If you wait too long to call her you may find that another guy got the courage up to call her first and you’ve lost your chance with her forever.

Here are some tips and things to remember to make it easier to call her.

She Wants You To Call Her Sooner Than Later

She didn’t just give you her number because you asked. She likes something about you and wants you to give her a call.

In fact, most women will think about you calling for the first couple days. They will tell their friends they are waiting for you to call and fantasize about what you are going to say to them. They will wonder if that phone ringing is you and have to work themselves up to answering the phone each time just in case it is.

After a few days of waiting for you to call she will start to not look forward to you calling as much. She may even start to get pissed off that she’s wasted so much energy waiting for you to call. If you call at this point you have lost some of her initial giddiness towards you and you will hear it in her voice. This may make you think she’s not interested in you and possibly confirm the fear that you shouldn’t have called at all.

The best thing you can do is give her a day you will call her and then call when you say you will. If you say you will give her a shout tomorrow then do that. If you say you will call her during the weekend then do that. This will make it easier on both of you.

If you don’t give her a day that you will call then don’t be afraid to call within a day or two. She will much rather have a call from you sooner than later – even if it is within 24 hours. She’s waiting for your call right from the beginning and the longer you wait to call her the less interest she will have in you calling.

Call Her When She’s Home

You may think that calling her during work hours will relieve you from any pressure to start a conversation, but you will just be putting all the pressure on her instead and she may avoid calling you back because of it.

You want to call her during the early evening when you know she is most likely to be home and awake. This will allow you to ‘get through’ the initial conversation easier than playing tag with her and it will show her that you are considerate of her schedule.

Talk About Nothing Important

Your first conversation on the phone should not be about your fears and goals in life. The whole purpose of the conversation is to get a date at some point in the future, not to find out everything you can about her.

Remind her who you are and talk about the moment that you met. This will lead into a conversation about what happened that day or night and you will find that it will go quite smoothly. Then transition into a conversation about getting together sometime soon.

You can ask her what her favorite food is and then suggest a restaurant that serves that food. You can also just suggest one of your favorite coffee shops or hangouts to go to. Chances are whatever you suggest will be just fine with her.

Make the date and let her know that you are looking forward to it then stop the conversation. If you leave the conversation there she will be looking forward to getting together with you, but if you start to talk about things that she doesn’t really want to hear about then you may have her dreading the first date with you. Your goal should be to have her excited about the date and not dreading it!

That’s it! If you understand these three things then you should have no problem calling her. Remember that she’s excitedly waiting for your call and that your only job during the call is to get a simple date from her. When you call she will be relieved that you called her and start to look forward to the date. That’s worth calling her for!

Want some first date tips? Visit Bellaisa’s website at Pleasure Her Tonight for all your dating and relationship tips for men.

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