Four indicators to help you buy photo printers – the printer, office equipment,

In Digital Cameras Increasingly popular today, people demand photo printing more and more, the major
Printer Manufacturers also use this as a selling point, have introduced a lot of the nominal level for the photo inkjet printers. The face of many inkjet printers on the market, how do we choose?

Resolution: Horizontal Vertical equally important Print resolution is an important measure of printer quality indicators, which determines the performance of the printer can print the images fine degree, the size of its decision to printer's output quality.

In general, the greater the resolution, which reflected the number of pixels to display the more, can present more information and clearer images.

Order to clearly print photos, use the printer at least should have more than 1440 × 720dpi resolution. It should be note that the overall effect of the decision photographs, not just horizontal resolution, vertical resolution is equally important. According to the characteristics of the human eye, the lower part of the resolution, the more likely people to find flaws, so when choosing photo-printer, should not be concerned about the large amount of that resolution, the same should be concerned about the young. If the maximum resolution is 4800dpi, but the low resolution of only 720dpi printer, the print often and have 1200 × 1200dpi resolution printers effect almost.

In general, 4800 × 1200dpi resolution enough households to use. Of course, the price close to the printer in the printer if the price is higher, its resolution is also higher (especially vertical resolution), also consider a higher resolution printer, provided that they meet their budget and printing needs can .

Droplet size: should be within the 4pl
Printer nozzle droplet size is also an important indicator of accuracy of the decision to print. This is because the represent dpi print resolution can print per inch in the number of dots, but the printer can print a good control of dot size, it is to print the photo images with a grainy look is the key to . Therefore, the photo-inkjet printer generally requires a smaller drops, the droplet size should be controlled 4pl (4 pico-liter) or less.

Color: 6 colors or more selected products as much as possible
Resolved after resolution and ink droplet size is the problem of color selection. Photo exceptionally rich colors, often did not match with RGB printing. Therefore, at present many photo-printer products for a 6-color or 7,8,9-color cartridges, in addition to the original 4-color (black and RGB), the further addition of TANSEI, pink and other colors, such changes can make the transition more natural colors, improved photo printing. Therefore, suggested the use of six colors or more

Ink Printer. Supplies: ink cartridges, nozzles and balancing
Inkjet cartridges printer supplies costs are mainly costs of the factors considered are: the absolute price of ink cartridges and print number of sheets, a color separation or multi-color ink cartridges, ink cartridges are integrated with the nozzle, if there is a corresponding compatible cartridges or fill ink and so on. In general, the ink cartridge capacity and is directly proportional to the number of prints, but need to be reminded to note that manufacturers print the number of sheets is nominal test results, not the actual use value, sometimes great differences between the two.

Color cartridge considerations should be more than black, are one of influential multi-color cartridge and split the color cartridge. Print photos, color cast the situation more, so use only one renewal multicolor ink cartridge users, losses. Separate color ink cartridges run out of benefits is what color to change the color of the cartridge which, to avoid unnecessary wastage.

Whether cartridge nozzle is one factor to be considered, because the nozzle length of life and cost are also relevant.

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