Is It Possible To Own a Home After Bankruptcy?

One of the most common misconceptions people have about bankruptcy is that by filing, they will never be able own a home again. While bad credit can be a stumbling block to obtaining credit for individuals who have not filed for bankruptcy, credit is not an insurmountable hurdle. The second factor at play in bankruptcy is time. A bankruptcy stays on your credit report for 10 years but 18 to 24 months after a bankruptcy discharge, debtors can qualify for a loan.

Some lenders will offer loans to individuals six months after they have had their bankruptcy discharged, however they require a 20 to 35 percent down payment. Additionally, the interest rate will be very high and the loan terms are likely to be strict. For better rates, many individuals wait four years after their discharge to obtain a loan.
There are things that you can do that can make you more likely to obtain a loan. Here are some tips.

First, it is important to obtain and use a source of credit, probably a credit card. This is not an impossible task. In fact, many credit agencies have no problem with lending to individuals who have recently discharged bankruptcies because they know that they have no debt and lack the ability to file for bankruptcy for seven years. Once you obtain this credit card, it is vital to pay your bill on time and not fall behind.

Secondly, it is important to show steady employment. This is an important aspect in procuring a loan for anyone seeking credit, however, for someone who has a bankruptcy on their report, it becomes even more important. Lenders want to see that you have the ability to pay them back and the surest sign of that is a steady source of income.

Finally, it is important to begin saving money for a down payment. Hopefully, without the hassle of monthly payments to creditors, your income will be freed up so that you can begin setting aside part of your paycheck every month into a savings account to prepare for a home purchase.

If you are seriously considering filing for bankruptcy in the Los Angeles area and want to find out more about how to protect your investments from creditors, contact the firm that focuses exclusively on California bankruptcy laws: Borowitz and Clark. Every day, the Los Angeles bankruptcy lawyers at Borowitz and Clark help people save their homes, their cars, and wipe out their debts. While the process appears complicated, the Los Angeles bankruptcy lawyers at Borowitz and Clark will be able to help you understand your options and avoid making bad decisions. You get one chance to file bankruptcy right the first time. They know what they’re doing, because bankruptcy is all they do. Unlike many firms, they never leave a paralegal or secretary in charge of a case. That’s why their cases succeed at such a high rate—even higher than many other bankruptcy firms. For a free consultation, contact a qualified Los Angeles bankruptcy lawyers at Borowitz and Clark toll-free at 800-509-3200, or visit

Brian Reed. los angeles bankruptcy lawyers – Contact the law office of Borowitz & Clark, experienced bankruptcy attorneys who take your case from start to finish.

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