Fun Android OS Facts
Facts You Might Not Know About Android Phones
Many phones utilize the Android OS (Operating System). The OS first hit the scene three or four years ago has become incredibly popular and more widely used as more cell developers choose it as the base for their smart phones. Right now the smart phone is the major accessory to have and there is a good reason for that. While smart phones are definitely useful as phones they are also good for internet use, playing music, taking pictures and playing games. You can use them for more than just that–they are also good for watching videos, taking notes and plenty of other things as well! Here are some things that you might not already know about the Android operating system.
Unlike the most popular smart phone on the market right now, the iPhone, you can purchase phones that run the Android OS from just about every wireless provider out there. All of the major cell phone companies carry Android OS phones and usually have different models available. This is fantastic news for people who want to own a real smart phone but do not want to be tied down to a single provider (or who don’t have access to that provider in their local area). This might all change when the iPhone is not limited to a single provider but, for now, choosing an Android phone gives you the best options.
iPhone users are loyal followers of the brand. The main reason most iPhone users purchased their phones is because they are loyal followers to the Apple brand name. Apple has a large number of loyal consumers. Consumers of Android OS are not yet as committed to their product. They are more likely to make shrewd cell phone choices and base their decisions on things like prices and technology.
In fact, iPhone users are most likely to recommend other cell phone users to the iPhone. This is not exactly true for Android users.
According to studies that were done not so long ago, men are more likely to use the Android OS than women are. Across the board men are more likely to use a smart phone than women (the study does not say why this is). The study does how that the gap is smaller where the iPhone is concerned. Men make up only a little bit more than half of the total users of iPhones. Seventy five percent of Android OS users, on the other hand, are male. We don’t know why this is true. Maybe it is because, where new technology is concerned, men are more likely to buy something as soon as it is released? The study does not say definitely why the numbers are the way they are.
Choosing your next cellular phone used to be easy. Many people simply chose to take the free upgrade phone being offered by the cell phone provider. Now you are more likely to choose a provider based on the types of phones it offers. The good news is that, for smart phone fans, the Android OS lets you have the phone you want without having to take the provider into consideration. Aren’t you glad to learn that?
John Art is a proud donating author to this internet site who creates articles on numerous things for instance information security, information technology, promotion and his love of paintings. Feel free to check out Johns website which speaks aboutrisk management policy at