Going Beyond the Ordinary Business Cards
Your marketing strategy is decided and your budget organized. You have a long list of possible customers, your products are on its ways, and your contact persons are ready. You are now ready for action. But there still seems to be a problem. You don’t know how to let your target customers know about you and your business.
There is actually a simple answer to that—the business cards. For decades, entrepreneurs have used the marketing power of these modest cards to get word about their business out there. Though simple and almost insignificant, business cards are a necessity to every business. Even in today’s highly digital business industry, the work of these cards is still indispensable.
Of course, your business card has to contain your basic contact details such as your name, mailing address, contact numbers, email, website, and other important contact details. But aside from that information, your business card can contain other creative and compelling details. You can present other elements in your card that will make it more captivating and informative.
Make your business card remarkably sticky. Notice those ads that can’t seem to leave your sight or your mind? Do the same in your business card. Use images, graphics, or details that will make your target customers want to look again and again in your cards. Only, do it on a smaller scale in your business cards. You don’t need to be too elaborate in your design. Just make it sticky and memorable.
Put the back of your business card to good use. The back of your card is a perfect place to add value to your business card. You basically have a lot of options with what to print at the back. This can include:
• A map to make it easy for your target customers to find you
• A calendar or reminder of the big events to happen in your business
• Discount coupon your customers can use when they visit and make a purchase in your store
• A measurement chart for a real estate business and size chart for a garment business
• A cooking or gardening tip
• A magnet to allow your card to be placed on refrigerator door or filing cabinet.
Expand your business card into a brochure. If you want to have more room to place your information and messages, consider making a folded business card. This way you have ample space to present a mini gallery of your offerings, add photos, include a tip, or put testimonials in your card. There are plenty of business card templates today that will allow you create a great folded card quickly and easily.
There are just some ideas you can do to make your business card exceptionally interesting. Either way, it is important that you have your card with you anywhere you go. Wherever you are, whether on a bus or a business event, you can give out your cards to potential customers. Don’t forget to ask for the card of the other person to expand your list of contacts. Collecting business cards can effectively help your business expand and make the right connections.
But remember that no matter how you create your business card, your image is what people will remember about you. So, bring your best foot forward in your business cards, and it can be your best selling point.
These easy and winning tips will allow you to keep your company’s name in the lead of your costumers. For more free and well crafted designs, visit: business cards.