Recycled Bags: Fun Gifts for Her

Recycled bags come in a variety of shapes, sizes, styles, colors and textures, and can make for a fun gift for your lady love-one. Although “eco friendly” may not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about what to get for her, the wide selection of designs and relatively low cost of these bags allow you to do a lot more than you may be expecting from your budget.

Match It With Her Personality

Is she calm and mellow? Maybe she’s Ms. Bright and Charming, or Mrs. Quick and Sharp. Perhaps you know her to be quiet and sentimental, or extremely excitable. Does she love blue but hate violet? Or does she have a favorite color-combination? Knowing the ins and outs of her personality, as well as her rants and raves will allow you to choose the environmentally friendly design most suited for her. And don’t worry about the variety because there’s a lot to choose from!

Here are some ideas that may help you make your choice:

Size: Small, Medium or Large? Make your gift a compliment, or a teasing statement about how much or how little you think she carries with her.

Colors and Hues:

–              Mixed colors suggest diverseness of personality, or a fun, “motleyness.”

–              Earthy color mixes (greens, yellows and browns) may imply wholeness coupled with simplicity.

–              Black and dark shades can be used to give the impression of seriousness or, when contrasted against bold colors, can signify strength.

–              White is usually understood to represent innocence and purity. When mixed with light colors, it gives an appearance of pristine beauty.

Your gift need not be a lone item. Why not make things more fun by getting a complementary purse for yourself (and if you travel in a pack, then one for each)? You can talk about wearing them at the same time and letting everybody around know that you’re good friends. You can even trade amongst yourselves (that is, if your friend or friends aren’t the type who loses or breaks things!). Similarly designed items can be a mark of your ‘sisterhood.’

What’s more, the tiny differences in your recycled purses (usually the color combinations or print designs) can highlight your differences from one another. You can show how one personality compliments another and makes your friendship special and exciting.

There are more ways to show love than buying an expensive gift. And not all big price tags mean fun. Since recycled bags come at very reasonable prices, you can make the most of the array of available designs even with a budget that is less than extravagant. Prices range from under $50 to over $150, so you can adjust according to the amount you’re willing to spend, and still be able to get a fun, stylish and eco friendly gift for the special lady (or ladies) in your life.

We provide a wide selection of recycled bags that you can give to the special women in your life. These, and other fashion pieces like bracelets, necklaces and earrings are sure to make fun gifts for her .

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