Is There Any Benefits Of Drinking Coffee To Relieve The Symptoms Of Gout?
Gout (also called metabolic arthritis) is a disease created by a buildup of uric acid. In this condition, monosodium urate or uric acid crystals are deposited on the articular cartilage of joints, tendons and surrounding tissues due to elevated concentrations of uric acid in the blood stream. This provokes an inflammatory reaction of these tissues.
Has anyone ever heard of the benefits of drinking coffee to relieve the symptoms of Gout? Also, are there any vitamins and herbs that help relieve the symptoms of Gout?
The above question was asked to us and I thought it will be good and answer it here:
Understanding Gout
The best way to understand Gout (a form of Arthritis) is that your body cannot handle/deal with Purine found in rich proteins (meat, organ meat, anchovies, fish eggs, etc.) in your diet. You must avoid them as “Gout attacks” occur each time you eat them. The treatment rests in your diet. As currently, with your gout, the ER can give you “Colchicine” which is actually viewed as a “poison” to handle your current condition and pain killer drugs. You cannot have more than 5 doses of Colchicine.
Do not eat meat products anymore, eat vegetable proteins (nuts, tofu, etc.)
cherry and pomegranate extract capsules will help gout.
also, flaxseed oil. it helps my dad a lot. eliminating shellfish from his diet helped too…that really seemed to trigger attacks with him.
You need to avoid or eliminate certain foods or drinks. I don’t think coffee will do anything one way or another. Totally eliminating beer and organ meat, (hot dogs, sausage, etc) from my diet has made a world of difference in the way I feel.
Caffeine makes gout worse! an ex boyfriend of mine had that once and he had to quit the coffee until it was better. No way is caffeine a stimulant that will irritate nerve endings more maybe… and increase acidic levels in the body.
My father sometimes suffers from gout avoiding shell fish and turkey help and he swears by cherry juice for pain relief. Being diabetic you should be careful of drinking too much cherry juice if you decide to give it a try. I don’t think weather is a factor in diabetes or gout.
my fiancé has this also. He went to the doctors and had all kinds of blood work done. His uric acid was very high. They did put him on meds and he has to stay away from shellfish and red meats. The meds he takes helps so much, he hasn’t had any attacks since he started it. I am not sure what he takes , but no side effects from it, just pees a lot. ha-ha. Have your fiancé get blood work done to see his levels.
There are some few “natural remedies ” but should be coupled with cutting out certain things like mentioned above.
Do you want to permanently cure your gout? If you answered “YES”, then I suggest you use the step-by-step system recommended in the Gout Remedy Report. The Gout Remedy Report is a great and effective manual with a natural plan that will completely treat any case of gout and stop it from recurring!
Click on this link ==> Gout Remedy Report, to read more about this guide.