iPad Compared To Other Tablets In The Mobile Industry

The iPad took the technology world by surprise when it was first launched in April of 2010. Because of great reviews and Apple’s huge fan base, the iPad rapidly became the leader in the tablet computers industry, representing nearly seventy-five percent of all tablet sales in 2010. With the launch of the iPad 2 in March, Apple both bettered their tablet and increased their sales. A few competitors have not taken this lightly. Prominent names like Motorola and Samsung have been releasing their own tablets. Nevertheless, with the iPad having such a powerful control of the industry and a growing popularity, it is going to be a tremendous uphill fight for competitors.

A big part of Apple’s stranglehold on the industry is their first approach with the iPad. Even though they were not the first company to release a tablet, they were the first to do it effectively. Supported by a huge budget for development and promotion, the iPad got shoppers genuinely intrigued by the concept of spending at least five hundred dollars for a mobile computer. Samsung fought back with their Galaxy Tab back in September and Motorola followed with their February launch of the Xoom. Even though these items have seen a bit of success, that success has paled when compared to what Apple has achieved.

Comparing these items side-by-side, they do not appear to be much different from a technological standpoint. Equipped with almost the same monitor size (9-11”), storage (16/32GB), camera abilities, and dual core processors, and priced about the same, the Android tablets still are not selling as quickly as the iPad. Why? It is chiefly because of the belief people have in Apple to offer them a device that will make them happy. The first generation iPad was enthusiastically received and Apple only made it better, while competitors such as Motorola and Samsung only attempted to copy or keep up rather than improving the concept of the iPad.

Another obstacle for Android tablet competitors to overcome is the enormous Apple App Store. Even though the Android tablet market is putting in a lot of energy to expand, Apple’s App Store still casts an enormous shadow. With convenient access to ten years worth of apps, tunes, and videos, iPad owners will immediately have more things on hand.

With the sale of personal PCs decreasing because of a higher demand for tablets, it is obvious this fight for dominance will carry on. Even though iPad rules now, the competition is not giving up. Nevertheless, unless Motorola and Samsung happen to come up with something unique to really set their tablet apart from the iPad, it does not appear as if the king will be dethroned.

For more information about iPad application development, visit Magenic Technologies who have been providing innovative custom software development to meet unique business challenges for some of the most recognized companies and organizations in the nation.

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