How Do You Get Blue Waffle Disease | Blue Waffle Disease
How Do You Get Blue Waffle Disease : There would be itching and inflammation in and around vagina. The women would feel itching sensation associated with pain in her vagina. Sometimes frequent vaginal discharge is also seen in females infected with blue waffle disease. Vagina may change in color and become reddish due to inflammation and in some women it may turn into pale bluish color. She would feel fowl smelling in the vagina and sometimes the whitish discharge may change its color.
All the above symptoms are seen in women who have vaginal infection. The lip or opening of the vagina will swell due to inflammation and there would be severe itching sensation around the vaginal area. If you experience any of the above symptoms you should consult your doctor immediately and also avoid having sex with your partner.
How Do You Get Blue Waffle Disease
Weakened immune system may give rise to blue waffle disease. When the immunity is compromised the body gets easily infected by harmful bacteria and virus. You will not be in a position to fight back against the bacteria if there is no enough immunity in the system.
Poor hygiene is also a cause for this problem. Using low quality pads during menstrual cycle and not washing the vagina properly after having sex can also bring vaginal infection.
Like other sexually transmitted diseases blue waffle disease can also be transmitted to the partner if he has sexual intercourse with the woman who is infected. There are chances for the man to spread the disease to his wife and other women subsequently.