Requirement-management-The key to Smoother Project Lifecycle

Major overheads faced by the industries in the present day scenario are from defects and nearly 50% of these defects results from incomplete understanding or incorrect requirement statements. Requirement being the key functionary in every application lifecycle management can be defined as a set of demands, necessities, needs or parameters that must be satisfied within a certain time constraints. In business parlance, this is a standard of benefit, cost, timeliness and value of a product or service as perceived by a customer.

Requirements management thus is a continuous process throughout a project life cycle. This begins with analyzing the objectives and constraints, documenting the need and tracing, planning and prioritizing the requirements and controlling change. Every stage in the development process of a project lifecycle has some key requirements, management activities and methods. With a good communicative link, changes in the requirements can be controlled. Further requirements traceability is a must as this is concerned with tracing and documenting the origin of each requirement and the changes in it over a period of time. Flexibility is required in any project or product design, but a wide deviation from the original requirement only creates complications in the entire process. Hence, a requirements management document becomes a critical tool that helps the team make decisions about design changes.

With technological innovations playing a major role in every aspect of the industrial sector, their foray into managing requirements has led to the development of both desktop and Web-based tools. A web-based Requirements Management solution provides a rich and configurable, global platform for summarizing the requirements, collaborating their development and tracing implementation back to specifications. The requirements tool has the options of being installed at the customer’s data center or taken in as on-demand platform. With administrative and configuration processes supported over the web, this solution facilitates effective management and control of offshore projects, better collaboration between internal functional groups and service partners.  These also come with added services like data security and round the clock availability of data.

The requirements management software takes in multiple types of relations including custom ones. The requirement traceability tool creates logical links between requirements, single and bi-directional traceability relations. The requirement traceability Matrix and traceability relation network allows both proactive and reactive impact analysis with all requirement management tools accessible through a highly user-friendly interface.

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