Best Of Friends Season 4

The One With The Jellyfish: Ross dumps Bonnie, which takes all night; she leaves in the morning. Meanwhile, Rachel writes a long letter to Ross that she needs him to read before they get back together; he tries to read it but falls asleep… then has to fake it when she asks him about it; Ross agrees with the letter before he finds out what it says; once he finds out the letter asks him to accept the breakup was all his fault, he’s not sure he can keep up the charade. Phoebe is upset that her real mother never tried to contact her; she tells her mother she never wants to see her again, but her mother finally convinces her to reconcile. Ursula knew about their real mother all along, but never told Phoebe. Monica, Chandler, and Joey spend the day on the beach; Joey digs a hole; Monica gets stung by a jellyfish. Joey remembers that peeing on a jellyfish sting takes the pain away; Monica “can’t bend that way” and Joey gets “Stage Fright,” leaving Chandler. Ross can’t stand hiding his feelings and he and Rachel break up again.

The One With Joey’s New Girlfriend: Chandler introduces himself to a good looking girl (Kathy), only to find out that she’s dating Joey; as they get to know each other, Chandler’s feelings get deeper. Whenever Rachel is around, Ross goes out of his way to mention Amanda, a single mother he’s been seeing; Rachel counters by dating Josh, a much younger man; however, Amanda uses Ross as a babysitter so she can date another man, and Josh steals from Rachel. Ross uses weird gestures he made up as a kid instead of offensive ones. Phoebe has a bad cold which makes her singing voice sexy; when she recovers she desperately tries to catch another cold; she even kisses Gunther.

The One With Chandler In A Box: Joey is still upset at Chandler about Kathy; he tries to get over it but can’t, and decides to move out… until he and Chandler stumble upon a way for Chandler to make it up to him–spending most of Thanksgiving day in a box. Monica injures her eye but doesn’t want to have to see Richard again; she arranges to see the on-call doctor, who turns out to be very cute… and Richard’s son. The gang decides to do secret Santa for each other; Ross torments Rachel about always exchanging gifts, until she can’t stand it and shows him all the stuff she saved from their relationship.

The One With The Embryos: The guys’ chicken is becoming a rooster. Phoebe undergoes the procedure to implant embryos in her uterus; the pressure is high as Frank Jr. and Alice can only afford the procedure once. Monica and Rachel bet that they know Chandler and Joey better than Chandler and Joey know them; Ross writes the questions (game show style) and eventually the stakes are raised: If the girls win, the chick and the duck have to go. If the guys win, they get the girls’ apartment.

The One With Joey’s Dirty Day: Joey goes fishing and comes back smelly… and doesn’t get a chance to shower before he goes to work on a new movie with Charlton Heston; he gets caught cleaning up in the only shower on the set–in Mr. Heston’s dressing room. Joshua invites Rachel to a club opening but she’s already agreed to take her boss’s niece (Emily) to the opera; Ross agrees to fill in for her with the niece, and they hit it off much better than first impressions would indicate; meanwhile, Rachel’s date falls through when a rain storm smears her name off the club’s guest list. Chandler continues recovering from his break-up with Kathy, but can’t move on to phase two, because there’s no one with which to go to a strip club… except Monica and Phoebe.

The One With Rachel’s New Dress: Phoebe is asked to name one of the three babies she’s carrying; this sparks some rivalry between Joey and Chandler, who each want the baby named after them. Susan is shooting a commercial in London so Emily offers to show her around; Ross worries that they might be having too much of a good time together… like when Carol started spending time with Susan. Rachel plans a big date with a special dinner, new lingerie and a nice dress; while eating dinner at her place, the chick and the duck upset Joshua, who has a phobia of farm birds; since his apartment is being remodeled and his parents are out of town, they go to his parents’ house; unexpectedly, his parents return home while Rachel is wearing only a negligee; she tells them it’s actually a new dress and ends up having to wear it while they all go out to dinner.

The One With All The Wedding Dresses: Joey’s snoring forces Chandler to insist he go to a sleep clinic; while accompanying Joey at the clinic, Chandler meets (and begins dating) Marjorie, who talks in her sleep. Ross tries to talk with Rachel about her feelings, but she just pretends she’s fine. However, while feeling kind of desperate she tries to move way too fast with Joshua and ends up scaring him off. Monica picks up Emily’s wedding dress for her, and finds she just can’t resist wearing it… a lot. Phoebe and Rachel catch the spirit as well, and soon they’re all wearing white. Ross and Emily set a wedding date just one month away. Rachel talks with Monica and Phoebe about her unresolved feelings for Ross.

The One With Ross’s Wedding, part 2: Phoebe fights phone friction while trying to warn Joey and Chandler that Rachel is on her way to ruin the wedding. Joey gets homesick… until he finds a cute bridesmaid (Felicity) who wants to know him better. The Gellers meet the Walthams; Jack Geller has agreed to pay for half of the wedding… until he finds out Mr. Waltham is counting his house remodeling as a wedding expense. Rachel tries and tries again to get on a flight to London; she gets underway but annoys the other passengers. Chandler and Monica have a difficult time at the rehearsal dinner; they console each other, and end up sleeping together. The next day, Joey, Chandler, and Monica watch for Rachel before the wedding; she slips in while Joey makes out with Felicity, but decides not to tell Ross how she feels. During the wedding ceremony, Ross accidentally speaks Rachel’s name instead of Emily’s, halting the proceedings.

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