Need to Know Where and When AA Support is Available – Check out 247 Addiction Help

If one suspects a loved one or friend has a secret addiction but are not sure if it is a justified suspicion or an over worked imagination, take a look at 247 Addiction Help for suggestions and support from ex-sufferers of addiction and/or supporters who have positive experience in offering help, advice and support for anyone affected by possible and/or actual addiction issues.

On the other hand if one is an addict who has finally emerged from the darkness of addiction denial and seeking information and looking to find where and when AA meetings and support are available, or where someone who understands exactly what one is suffering and going through can be located, look no further than here.

Knowing where there is a network of support of people who have suffered in the darkness or indeed professional counselors who work in this field of support is an essential element in making a recovery from what is an illness, both physical and emotional. Like any addiction it is awesomely difficult to admit the problem is there and do something about it yet insanely easy to slip back into the darkness. Knowing there is someone just a chat room away or at a meeting room somewhere who understands the pain and suffering, someone who will listen to you without criticizing or accusing is a strong pillar of support.

Feeling comfortable to talk to someone, even though completely anonymously in a chat room could be the first positive and proactive tentative step on the long and continuing journey to complete recovery. However, as recovered addicts of alcohol, narcotics or sex will testify it is a daily battle which never ends and each day is the first day of the rest of your addiction free life – literally. For the road to recovery is long and will test the strongest of characters, so any weaker character is going to struggle along the way and the path to relapse is a real danger for every sufferer.

Support is there when it is needed, trust is never abused and a person who recovers and starts on the road to good health and a more regular life invariably embraces the opportunity to help others who find themselves in the position that they were in a previous era of their lives.

More information and access to news of where and when AA meetings and gatherings take place can be found at the website of 247 Addiction Help. Free access, no fees and no-one to question or criticize just people available to help 24/7 whenever it is needed. If the darkness of denial has now lifted, go to for help, advice, support and the beginnings of a new life back in the light.

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