Aging and diseases that comes with aging

There are several types of diseases that come with aging. But if you are going on walk or jogging and be a little careful about what you eat you can avoid lots of these diseases. Below are a few of the diseases that comes with aging

Heart attack occurs when blood flow to the heart is interrupted. It could be caused by high blood pressure, excessive cholesterol, anything shocking, smoking, consumption of alcohol etc. Smoking is also one of the biggest factors and it has been discovered that people who smoke have two times more chances of heart attack, than the people who don’t smoke. Older adults are more likely to die of heart attack or other heart diseases. About 80% of heart disease deaths occur in people age 65 or older. Prevention could be to go on walk/jogging every morning and evening. Eat healthy and especially green vegetables and fruits and avoid fatty foods from your diet.

Depression is a serious condition that involves your body, mood, and thoughts. Depression is more experienced in old age and affects our day-to-day life. It can be treated, but usually people don’t believe that they have a depression disorder and never seek a treatment, but that could be dangerous and even could lead the person to commit a suicide. It could be caused by several factors, like loneliness, wealth issues, worries about their family etc.

High Blood pressure is the force of blood flow against the artery walls. High blood pressure also known as hypertension is more often found on old age peoples. This could be caused by several factors like genetic factors, narrowing of the arteries, excess fluid in the blood, stronger heartbeats, certain medications, or disorders of the kidneys. It can be avoided by a simple lifestyle change, living tension free.

Memory Loss is also one of the diseases that develop, as you grow older. This could be caused by mental tension, depression, over medication, insufficient sleep, and high blood pressure. This could be prevented by memory exercises, crossword puzzles, reading, teaching kids, involving in social activities, getting emotional support from family and by reducing the stress. Memory loss could also lead to some more complicated diseases as well.

Dehydration, normally this occurs due to lack or loss of water from the body, but researches have shown it is more experienced by the old age peoples. The body requires a certain amount of water and when the level of water is not sufficient it causes dehydration. Excessive sweat, urine, vomiting, diarrhea, high fever, enough exposure to the heat and sun etc could cause this. Drinking and eating both help to replace fluids and overcome this disease.

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